accrual-basis accounting中文
用"accrual-basis accounting"造句"accrual-basis accounting" in a sentence"accrual-basis accounting"怎麼讀
- 權責發生制會計
- 權責發生制原則
- "accrual" 中文翻譯 : n. 增加,增殖;增加物;增加額。
- "basis" 中文翻譯 : n. (pl. bases ) 1.基礎;基底;臺座;【 ...
- "accounting" 中文翻譯 : n. 1.會計;會計學。 2.賬;記賬;清算賬目。 短語 ...
- "accounting on accrual basis" 中文翻譯 : 權責發生會計制
- "accounting on the accrual basis" 中文翻譯 : 權責發生會計制; 權責發生制, 應收應付制, 應占制
- "accrual basis accounting" 中文翻譯 : 權責發生制會計方法記帳; 權責應計制會計; 應計制管帳; 應計制會計,權責發生制會計; 應計制會計,權責發生制會計,應計基礎會計; 應計制會計;權責發生制會計
- "accrual basis of accounting" 中文翻譯 : 會計權責發生制
- "accrual-basis accounting system" 中文翻譯 : 應計會計制
- "accrual basis" 中文翻譯 : 權責發生制):在這種會計基礎下,收入和費用在實際賺取的當期報告于損益表中。; 權責應計制;權現發生制;應計制;發生制; 應計制, 應計基礎, 權責發生制; 應計制,權責發生制,應計基礎; 應計制;權責發生制
- "accrual accounting" 中文翻譯 : 權責發生制會計; 應計制會計
- "accrual basis principle" 中文翻譯 : 權責發生制原則
- "modified accrual basis" 中文翻譯 : 修正權責發生制
- "accrual in fiduciary accounting" 中文翻譯 : 會計的應計法
- "accrual method of accounting" 中文翻譯 : 會計的應計法
- "cash and accrual accounting" 中文翻譯 : 收付實現制和權責發生制
- "accounting basis" 中文翻譯 : 管帳基礎; 會計基礎; 會計基準,會計基本方法; 會計期
- "basis of accounting" 中文翻譯 : 會計基礎; 會計基準,會計方法
- "accounting on a cash basis" 中文翻譯 : 現收現付制
- "accounting on cash basis" 中文翻譯 : 收付實現制會計
- "accounting on the cash basis" 中文翻譯 : 現金收付會計制; 現收現付制
- "actual basis accounting" 中文翻譯 : 實際發生額會計
- "audit of accounting basis" 中文翻譯 : 會計基礎審計
- "cash basis accounting" 中文翻譯 : 現金會計方法記帳; 現金收付會計制; 現金收付制會計,收付實現制會計; 現金制會計; 現收現付制會計,在會計核算中,以款項的實際收付為計算標準,以確定本期收益和費用的方法。這種方法不能正確反應各期損益,顧只適用于非營利單位。
- "cash basis of accounting" 中文翻譯 : 現金往來帳戶; 現金制會計,現金基礎會計,收付實現制會計
- "cash system (basis)of accounting" 中文翻譯 : 收付實現制
- Major principles included in gaap are the objective principle , the materiality principle , the consistency principle , the conservatism principle , the accrual - basis accounting principle , the adequate disclosure principle , the matching principle , the realization principle , and the cost principle
公認會計原則所包括的主要原則有:客觀性原則,重要性原則,一致性原則,穩健性原則,權責發生制原則,充分披露原則,配比原則,實現原則和成本原則。 - The empirical research in em forthers the acaden1ic thoughts of accrual - basis accounting , hastens the development of generally accepted accounting principles , and enriches the research measures in empirical accounting lots of literatures on em have been reported rece11tly however , researcheres have n ' t reached the consensus in most issues in this fieid much of the controversy over the interpretation of the literature ' s tindings is due to the extensive use of aggregate accruals models that mostly origil1ated from jones mode1 given the limlted theory , we have of how accruals behave in the absence of discretion , the task of identifying and controlling for potentially correlated o111itted variables is daunting indeed an alternative to study aggregate accruals is the 111ethodology for identifying earnings management developed by burgstahler and dichev ( l997 ) based on the distribution of earnings after management however , this measure is flawed by its silence about the form and extent of earnings management my dissertation intends to bridge the traditional aggregate accruals models and the new earnings distribution method , which is the first aim of this paper there is no doubt that earnings management is more rampant in china when compared with what has been documented for the west , since china ' s accounting standards are much too incomplete to of lbr clear guida11ce on many accounting transactions
文章首先指出了研究盈余管理的三種方法各自的優點及不足,然后創造性地發展了前人的研究手段,在傳統的瓊斯模型及新的盈余分布方法之間找到了溝通的橋梁,并建立了一個嶄新的模型:瓊斯?閾值模型。通過對美國18 , 160家上市公司在1980 - 1999的20年間的40余萬觀測樣本的實證研究表明,美國上市公司與我國上市公司一樣也存在著以獲取正盈余及維持近期業績為目的的盈余管理;公司經理人員使用可操縱性應計利潤為其管理盈余的手段;經理人員因追求正盈余或試圖維持近期業績而管理盈余時體現出不同的行為方式。對美國上市公司的成功運用,證明我們的新模型在判斷盈余管理存在與否、手段如何、動機怎樣等方面均比目前正在學術界流行的盈余分布法具有更強的檢測能力。
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