自差接收機 autodyne |
自差收音機 autoheterodyne |
自己 oneself |
自己不出面 keep oneself in the backgrou... |
自己人 one of us |
自己作主 be master in one's own house |
自己作的孽最難熬 The evils we bring on oursel... |
自己害自己 harm oneself |
自己弟兄 one's own brothers |
自己揭穿自己 expose oneself |
自己攢成一輛自行車 assemble a bicycle oneself |
自己有房子 have a house of one's own |
自己說了算 consider one's own words as ... |
自己負擔大學期間的全部費用 pay one's way through colleg... |
自己起火 do one's own cooking get ang... |
自幼 since childhood |
自幼到老 from infancy to old age |
自幼失怙 lose one's father while stil... |
自幼清貧 be poor from one's boyhood u... |
自序 author's preface |
自應資助 will certainly aid financial... |
自強 self-improvement |
自強不息 exert oneself constantly |
自強自立 strive to become stronger an... |
自當努力 will certainly do one's best |