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defensive armament中文

用"defensive armament"造句"defensive armament" in a sentence"defensive armament"怎麼讀


  • 防御性軍備


  • Only last thursday , as evidence of this rapid offensive buildup was already in my hand , soviet foreign minister gromyko told me in my office that he was instructed to make it clear once again , as he said his government had already done , that soviet assistance to cuba , and i quote , " pursued solely the purpose of contributing to the defense capabilities of cuba , " that , and i quote him , " training by soviet specialists of cuban nationals in handling defensive armaments was by no means offensive , and if it were otherwise , " mr
    就在上個星期四我已經掌握了進攻性工事在快速興建的證據時,蘇聯外相葛羅米柯在我的辦公室告訴我他獲指示再向我澄清一遍,他說他的政府即蘇聯已經對古巴實行的援助,我這里引用“僅僅是為了增加古巴的防御能力” ,我再引用“蘇聯專家訓練古巴人是掌握防御性武器,如果該培訓是其他什么的也決不具進攻性質” ,他接著說“蘇聯政府絕對不會提供這樣的援助” 。
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