用"anestrus"造句"anestrus" in a sentence"anestrus" en Chinois
- 性狂熱
- "anesthétospasme" 中文翻譯 : anesthétospasmem.麻醉期痙[攣]
- "anesthésiste" 中文翻譯 : 音標:[anεstezist]n. 麻醉師anesthésisten麻醉師;麻醉醫生
- "anet (berne)" 中文翻譯 : 因斯 (伯恩州)
- "anesthésique local" 中文翻譯 : 二乙氨基利多卡因麻醉藥水合氯醛局部麻醉藥利多卡因局部麻醉劑鎮靜劑
- "anet (eure-et-loir)" 中文翻譯 : 阿內
- "anesthésique" 中文翻譯 : 音標:[anεstezik]n.m. 麻醉藥adj. 麻醉的,引起麻醉的anesthésiqueadj.麻醉的anesthésiquem麻醉藥;麻醉劑;麻藥anesthésique général全身麻醉藥anesthésique volatils揮發性麻醉劑anesthésiques gazeux氣體麻醉劑近義詞narcotique
- "aneta" 中文翻譯 : 阿內塔 (北達科他州)
- "anesthésiophore" 中文翻譯 : anesthésiophorem.麻醉基
- "anetan" 中文翻譯 : 安鄂灘區
- Female mice housed together tend to go into anestrus and do not cycle.
- It is also used for treating of postweaning anestrus in economically important farm animals.
- Anestrus is the period of reproductive quiescence.
- Anestrus generally lasts four to five months.
- Horses mate in spring and summer, autumn is a transition time, and anestrus rules the winter.
- As the days shorten, the mare returns to the anestrus period when she is not sexually receptive.
- Most mares enter an " anestrus " period during the winter and thus do not cycle in this period.
- If females fail to farrow despite being anestrus and are sent to an abattoir, their uteruses should be collected and examined for affected fetuses.
- As the days shorten, most mares enter an " anestrus " period during the winter and thus do not cycle in this period.
- Dams may return to estrus, fail to farrow despite being anestrus, farrow few pigs per litter, or farrow a large proportion of mummified fetuses.
- 更多例句: 1 2
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