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用"anestrus"造句"anestrus" in a sentence"anestrus" en Chinois


  • 性狂熱


  • Female mice housed together tend to go into anestrus and do not cycle.
  • It is also used for treating of postweaning anestrus in economically important farm animals.
  • Anestrus is the period of reproductive quiescence.
  • Anestrus generally lasts four to five months.
  • Horses mate in spring and summer, autumn is a transition time, and anestrus rules the winter.
  • As the days shorten, the mare returns to the anestrus period when she is not sexually receptive.
  • Most mares enter an " anestrus " period during the winter and thus do not cycle in this period.
  • If females fail to farrow despite being anestrus and are sent to an abattoir, their uteruses should be collected and examined for affected fetuses.
  • As the days shorten, most mares enter an " anestrus " period during the winter and thus do not cycle in this period.
  • Dams may return to estrus, fail to farrow despite being anestrus, farrow few pigs per litter, or farrow a large proportion of mummified fetuses.
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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