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用"dendroaspis"造句"dendroaspis" in a sentence"dendroaspis" en Chinois


  • 曼巴蛇屬


  • The black mamba ( " Dendroaspis polylepis " ) is a diurnal ambush predator.
  • A species of venomous snake, " Dendroaspis jamesoni ", is named in honor of Robert Jameson.
  • The BBC used : File : Dendroaspis polylepis head . jpg in their slideshow on the world's deadliest creatures.
  • The Jameson's mamba ( " Dendroaspis jamesoni " ) is known to be quite aggressive and defensive.
  • Thus, " Dendroaspis " literally means " tree asp ", reflecting the arboreal nature of most of the species within the genus.
  • Some snake venoms carry fasciculins, like the mambas ( " Dendroaspis " ), which inhibit cholinesterase to make the prey lose muscle control.
  • Slowinski " et al . " ( 1997 ) pointed out that the relationships of the African genus " Dendroaspis " are problematical.
  • The Eastern green mamba ( " Dendroaspis angusticeps " ) has an average venom yield per bite of 80 mg according to Engelmann and Obst ( 1981 ).
  • In fact, in several aspects of morphology, ecology and behaviour, the coastal taipan is strongly convergent with the black mamba ( " Dendroaspis polylepis " ).
  • "' Jameson's mamba "'( " Dendroaspis jamesoni " ) is species of a quick, highly arboreal and highly venomous snake of the endemic to Africa.
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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