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用"ldpc"造句"ldpc" in a sentence"ldpc" en Chinois


  • 低密度奇偶檢查碼


  • Systematic IRA codes are considered a form of LDPC code.
  • LDPC codes have been considered for this purpose for their faster decoding time.
  • Predating LDPC codes in terms of practical application, they now provide similar performance.
  • Implementation of LDPC codes has lagged behind that of other codes, notably turbo codes.
  • SCCCs provide performance comparable to other iteratively decodable codes including turbo codes and LDPC codes.
  • Systems using LDPC codes therefore typically employ additional interleaving across the symbols within a code word.
  • Below is a graph fragment of an example LDPC code using Forney's factor graph notation.
  • Litigation over whether the DVB-S2 LDPC code is a form of IRA code is ongoing.
  • The analysis of modern iterated codes, like turbo codes and LDPC codes, typically assumes an independent distribution of errors.
  • All layers except the last use an LDPC error correction code, which is fast but has a chance of failure.
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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