用"gagc"造句"gagc" in a sentence"gagc"怎麼讀
- 公共自動增益控制
- "gagchamo" 中文翻譯 : 嘎查莫
- "gagb" 中文翻譯 : 全球平均瑞利波群速
- "gage" 中文翻譯 : n. 1.抵押品,擔保品。 2.(表示挑戰扔下的)帽子[手套等];挑戰,挑釁。 in gage of … 作為抵押。 throw down a gage 挑戰。 vt. 〔古語〕以…作抵押;以…打賭。 gage2 n.,vt. 1.〔美國〕 = gauge. 2.【航海】吃水;(對于風及他船的)相對位置。 n. = greengage. n. 蓋奇〔姓氏〕。
- "gagazoi ri" 中文翻譯 : 嘎嘎祖日
- "gage (=gauge)" 中文翻譯 : 規量計
- "gagaw" 中文翻譯 : 嘎嘎烏
- "gage (or gauge)" 中文翻譯 : 規,計,表
- "gagauzia" 中文翻譯 : 加告茲
- "gage 2" 中文翻譯 : 計示
- "gagauz" 中文翻譯 : 嘎嘎烏孜語; 枷高茲語
- Without its own technology and supply resources , gagc should change its strategic emphasis from car production to car sales and after - sale service gradually
沒有獨立技術和配套資源優勢的廣州市汽車集團應該將其轎車業務的戰略重點逐漸從生產向銷售和售后服務轉移。 - Gagc should build up its strategy in car business after making both a thorough analysis of the environment in which it is developing its car business and a realistic evaluation of its own resources . meanwhile , it ' ll be helpful if gagc could also take a look at the future picture of the competition of china car market when it set its strategy
廣州市汽車集團應該客觀地分析其發展轎車業務所處的外部環境及所擁有的內部資源,并結合對中國轎車業未來競爭格局的分析,制定出符合自身情況的轎車業務發展戰略,同時,也應改善其在轎車業務戰略管理機制和領導體制方面存在的問題。 - Its car joint venture with peugeot france - guangzhou peugeot - failed after a 12 - year struggle . followed by a new car project with honda japan - guangzhou honda , gagc is stepping into a new era of its car business . however , gagc always lacks a clear strategy in developing its car business
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