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galley proof中文

用"galley proof"造句"galley proof" in a sentence"galley proof"怎麼讀"galley proof"的同義詞


  • 【印刷】長條(校樣)。


  • Among the materials are books and periodicals , as well as proof copies , galley proofs and production scripts for beckett plays
  • Either i finished a story and sent it off to the magazines , or i received a contract from one of those magazines , or a check came in the mail as payment for the story , or galley proofs arrived for me to correct , or the magazine itself appeared in the mailbox , or the manuscript was returned to me with a little note from the editor asking me if i would deign to write more for them
  • Of them 18 hours to complete the lyrics galley proof production , a day to be completed within the overall visual design , six days of the completion of more than 130 singers , audio , photography and graphic beijing olympic blessing interviews , four days to complete all the post - production , shooting only documentary materials reached more than 3 , 000 minutes , more than 200 of its staff in order to pay the birth of constant toil and sweat , all this is reflected not only the beijing olympics tremendous appeal , but also reflects the " i , i am dedication , i happiness " in the spirit of the whole society prevail
    其中18個小時就完成詞曲小樣制作、 1天之內完成整體視覺設計、 6天完成了130多位歌手的錄音、平面攝影與北京奧運祝福訪談、四天完成所有的后期制作,僅紀錄片拍攝的素材就達3000多分鐘,有200多名工作人員為了其誕生付出了夜以繼日的辛勞與汗水,這一切不僅體現了北京奧運的巨大感召力,更體現了“我參與、我奉獻、我快樂”的精神在全社會蔚然成風。
用"galley proof"造句  


  • a proof taken before the type is broken up to print pages

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