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用"habitability"造句"habitability" in a sentence"habitability"怎麼讀"habitability"的同義詞


  • n.


  • Put simply , it is wrong to destroy the habitability of our planet and ruin the prospects of every generation that follows ours
  • Mechanical vibration - guidelines for the measurement , reporting and evaluation of vibration with regard to habitability on passenger and merchant ships
  • Mechanical vibration - guidelines for the measurement , reporting and evaluation of vibration with regard to habitability on passenger and merchant ships iso 6954 : 2000
  • All existing pumping stations have to be maintained prior to completion of the reprovisioned facilities to maintain the habitability of these buildings
  • Mankind faces “ a planetary emergency ” , he said ; “ a crisis that threatens the survival of our civilisation and the habitability of the earth
    他說人類正面臨“星球危機” , “一個威脅著人類文明延續和地球可居住性的緊要關頭” 。
  • The priorities common to the crystal family are safety in the project outcome , efficiency in development , and habitability of the conventions in other words , the developers can live with them
    Crystal系列通用優先級可以保證項目的最終成果,提高開發效率,并且符合常規習慣(換句話說,開發人員可以接受它們) 。
  • In addition , many would agree that as a society we bear the ethical obligation to protect the habitability of the planet , and to act as responsible stewards of its bio logical riches for the present and future welfare of the human species
  • As a direct result , many scientists are now warning that we are moving closer to several ' tipping points ' that could - within 10 years - make it impossible for us to avoid irretrievable damage to the planet ' s habitability for human civilization
    很多科學家警告,由此導致的直接后果是我們人類越來越接近幾個“關鍵點” -在10年內?可能使我們不可避免無法挽回的對于地球的人類文明宜居性的損毀。
  • Results shaanxi traditional houses are taken as a case for study , scores of synthetic evaluation indexes of habitability , sociality and aesthetic feeling are calculated , the result is that the traditional houses in guanzhong area are the best , the reason is analyzed , and the problems of tourism developing are investigated in viewpoint of human geography


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