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leasehold system中文

用"leasehold system"造句"leasehold system" in a sentence"leasehold system"怎麼讀


  • 批租制度;租地制度


  • Whether the land leasehold system in urban china - - an innovative form of urban land reform - - is perfect or not has direct impacts on the capacity of the urban economy to deal with those challenges
  • Doing research systematically on the problems of urban land leasehold system can not only enrich the case study of institution analysis theoretically , but also can draw some useful implications for policy - making
  • Chapter 3 analyses the obstacles - - the vulnerable legal protection , vague understanding of the public , inexplicit objective of local government , distorted system of land rent , tax and fees and obsolete management methods - - of perfecting the leasehold system at first
  • Chapter 4 comes to the case study of xiangfan city of hubei province . in chapter 5 , based on the theoretical analysis and the empirical study , the objective , some basic principles and the policy implications of perfecting the land leasehold system in urban china are put forward . the last part is the basic conclusions and discussions
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