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用"leaseholder"造句"leaseholder" in a sentence"leaseholder"怎麼讀"leaseholder"的同義詞


  • 租借人。


  • Tenant farmer , leaseholder
  • The production and business operation entity shall exercise unified coordination and administration over the contractors and leaseholders concerning the work of production safety
  • The leasehold has another name called " use income right " , which is that leaseholders depend on the lease contract , in thing of leasing being after paying to lease thing enjoy for use income purpose occupying general name of right essential
  • The third part mainly analyzes four risks of house tenancy center and the corresponding managing measures . the part analyzes profit and free - rent period through discussing probability of house in - and - out quantity in profit risk , proposes the risk management measures of cash supervisory mechanism and selectivity financing in capital gap risk , putts forward the measures of liquidity gap forecast , improving credit and adopting different free - rent period in house liquidity risk , and introduces the credit swap to transfer leaseholder default risk
  • Article 23 : in case of expiration of this contract or party b terminates the contract before the prescribed time , party b has the right to remove the decoration except the partition ( something that separates or holds apart ) . party b shall arrange and tidy up the leasing items so that the next leaseholder or enterprise moves in
  • For the first - time declaration by aliens to whom the leaseholder provides accommodation , the leaseholder or liaison persons for foreign affairs shall accompany them to the temporary - residence declaration point in this community for declaration by presenting registration book of accommodation by expatriates in joint ventures , overseas business organization in china and rented private houses
    承租人留宿的境外人員首次申報時,應由承租人或外事聯絡員帶《 “三資企業、駐華商務機構、出租私房”境外人員留宿登記簿》陪同被留宿人前往社區境外人員臨時戶口申報點申報。
  • In this background , the emerging of house tenancy center brings new vigor to our house tenancy market . the new operations of house tenancy center , undertaking tenancy risk for leaseholders , have overwhelming advantages compared to traditional house tenancy agencies and soon are embraced by the consumers


  • a tenant who holds a lease

leaseholder的中文翻譯,leaseholder是什麼意思,怎麽用漢語翻譯leaseholder,leaseholder的中文意思,leaseholder的中文leaseholder in Chineseleaseholder怎麼讀,发音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。
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