用"leaser"造句"leaser" in a sentence"leaser"怎麼讀
- 分紗機
- "leaser or contracts" 中文翻譯 : 租約或合同
- "liability of leaser" 中文翻譯 : 租箱人責任
- "leaseholds" 中文翻譯 : 租約;租賃權
- "leases" 中文翻譯 : 租賃協議
- "leaseholdingfarmhouseholds" 中文翻譯 : 農村承包經營戶:
- "leases agent" 中文翻譯 : 租賃代理
- "leaseholding rural household" 中文翻譯 : 農村承包經營戶
- "leases of land" 中文翻譯 : 土地契約
- "leaseholding nation" 中文翻譯 : 承租國
- "leases structure" 中文翻譯 : 租賃結構
- "leaseholder" 中文翻譯 : 租借人。
- Determining the value of blunder for leaser square method
粗差的最小二乘定值 - In this contract , a month ' s rent ( say usd 1800 . 00 ) will be charged as commission for real estate company , the leasee and the leaser pay for 50 % of the commission respectively
二、本合同一個月的租金(即壹仟捌佰美元正)作為服務費,甲乙雙方同意各支付50 %予地產公司。 - Zoucheng is the mative place of mencius , the famuos successor to the confucian school konwn as the leaser sage . just because of this , zoucheng and qufu are regarded as " the
且鄒城還是我國古代著名的儒家學派的繼承人、被后人稱為亞圣的孟子的故鄉,也正因為如此,鄒城和曲阜被視 - Signal ( leaser ) sequence a hydrophobic sequence at the amino terminus of a polypeptide chain that targets it for secretion in bacterial or incorporation into the endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotic cells
leaser的中文翻譯,leaser是什麼意思,怎麽用漢語翻譯leaser,leaser的中文意思,leaser的中文,leaser in Chinese,leaser怎麼讀,发音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。