分鐘: Each speaker was limited to ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...違反: violate; run counter to; tra ...紀律: discipline處罰: punish; penalize违反纪律处罚: misconduct penalty违反纪律的处罚: misconduct penalty特别严重的违反纪律: gross misconduct严重违反纪律的处罚: game misconduct penalty违反纪律: breach of rules违反纪律,犯法: break the law违反纪律罪: disciplinary offence纪律处分, 纪律处罚: disciplinary punishment纪律处罚磋商: procédure disciplinaire集体违反纪律行为: concerted act of indiscipline以违反纪律论处: be punished for a breach of discipline违纪行为;违反纪律行为: disciplinary offence一次10分钟的步行: a tenminute walkk法律处罚: legal penalty纪律处分: disciplinary sanction; disciplinary award; disciplinary treatment 短語和例子 給予紀律處分 take disciplinary measures against sb对直接得知的违反行为进行的特别纪律程序: processo disciplinar especial por infraco directamente constatada给予纪律处分: take disciplinary measures against sb纪律处分程序: disciplinary proceedings纪律处分代码: code of disciplinary punishment纪律处分机制: disciplinary mechanism