
n. [美國俚語、澳大利亞口語];挑釁性;侵略性
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        aggromerate:    聚合
        aggroes:    n. 鬧事;暴力行為
        aggros:    (aggro 的復數) n.暴力行為
        aggroed:    n. [美國俚語、澳大利亞口語];挑釁性;侵略性
        aggrotech:    Aggrotech is an evolution of electro-industrial and dark electro with a strong influence of techno music that first surfaced in the mid-1990s, but has been revitalized in recent years. Also referred to as "Hellektro", its sound is typified by somewhat harsh song structures, aggressive beats and lyrics of a militant, pessimistic or explicit nature. Typically, the vocals are distorted to sound hoarse, harsh and without tone. Artists also frequently use atonal melodic structures. ; ; Artists: Aghast View, Aesthetic Perfection, Amduscia, Agonoize, Psyclon Nine, Die Sektor, Combichrist, Hocico, Virtual Embrace, Tactical Sekt, Funker Vogt, Grendel, Aslan Faction, Tamtrum, Feindflug, Cenobita, Dawn Of Ashes, Suicide Commando, Vigilante, X-Fusion, Wumpscut, Cruciform Injection ; Labels: NoiTekk (Germany) Out of Line Music (Germany) ; ; > Aggrotech basically means harsh EBM ;
        aggrieving:    vt. 使悲痛;冒犯;侵害…的合法權利
        aggroup:    [網絡] 集會
        aggrieves:    v. 令委屈, 令苦惱, 侵害( aggrieve的第三人稱單數 )
        aggrouped:    [網絡] 聚集在一起
        aggrievers:    [網絡] 感染者


  1. aggrievers中文
  2. aggrieves中文
  3. aggrieving中文
  4. aggroed中文
  5. aggroes中文
  6. aggromerate中文
  7. aggros中文
  8. aggrotech中文
  9. aggroup中文
  10. aggrouped中文



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