announcing good news中文

發音:   用"announcing good news"造句
  • announce:    vt. 1.告知,報知,通告。 2.宣布,宣告,發表;唱 ...
  • good:    adj. (better; best ) (opp. b ...
  • news:    n. 〔通例作單數用〕 1.新聞,(新)消息;新聞報導。 ...
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  1. " i know it , sir ; a young man , who still adheres to my fallen fortunes , passes a part of his time in a belvidere at the top of the house , in hopes of being the first to announce good news to me ; he has informed me of the arrival of this ship .
    “我知道,先生,有一個在我日暮途窮的時候依舊跟隨著我的年輕人,每天花一部分時間守在這間屋子的閣樓上,希望能最先向我來報告好消息。這艘船的進港,他已經通知過我了。 ”
  2. When children , students did a favour to announce good news , although say to there is inarticulate in the heart glad , but face the appearance that goes up to still be indifferent to one pair however , a few simple words are used in the mouth dismiss we , sprinkle a cold water to us



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