
發音:   用"appro"造句
〔僅用于下列成語〕: on appro 〔俚語〕(商品)供試用的,包退包換的。
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  1. Using your thumb and palm ( use appro . 20 kgs strength ) to press it evenly on the product for about 60 sec . and wait until all glue stay on the wall surface
  2. Therefore , the horizontal structure of tc changes . the vertial structure of tc tilts southwestward from lower level to higher level before landfall , and , it becomes more tilted as the tc center appro
  3. The main topics of the reseaerch include the intension and significance of aesthetic education in chinese reading teaching in sinior middle school and the design of the teaching of aesthetic judgement through reading , which is the teaching target , teaching programmes , the significance of the design in teaching appro ach and formation of the design principle and its contents


  1. an informal British abbreviation of approval; "he accepted it on appro"


    Appro was a leading developer of supercomputing solutions supporting High Performance Computing (HPC) markets focused on medium to large-scale deployments where lower total cost of ownership is essential. The company was known for accelerating technical applications and business results through outstanding price/performance, power efficient and fast time-to-market solutions based on the latest open standards, technologies, innovative cluster tools and management software packaged with HPC professional services and support.


        approach:    vt. 1.向…接近,走近;使接近。 2.探討;看待,對待,處理。 3.向…接洽[提議]。 4.〔美國〕企圖收買。 短語和例子 approach one's home 快到家。 approach completion 將近完成。 It is wrong to approach a problem from a metaphysical point of view. 用形而上學的觀點來看待問題是錯誤的。 approach Shakespeare as a poet 詩才堪與莎士比亞相比擬。 approach the manager with a suggestion 向經理提出建議。 approach the manager on a business 為一項事務與經理接洽。 approach a government officer 企圖向政府官員行賄。 vi. 臨近,靠近,近似。 Winter approaches. 冬天快到了。 n. 1.走近,接近,逼近。 2.近似,類似。 3.進路,入口;門徑,接近[處理]的方法,手段。 4.探索,探討。 5.看法,觀點。 6.〔pl.〕親近;打交道。 7.【軍事】(為逼近敵方工事而挖的)戰壕。 8.【航空】進場(飛行),進入(投彈點)。 9.【軍事】戰斗前進。 10.〔pl.〕 提議,建議。 短語和例子 the best approach to study a foreign language 學習外國語的最佳方法。 the blind approach 【航空】盲目(按儀表)進場。 the instrument approach 【航空】按儀表進場。 a scientific approach 科學態度。 his nearest approach to a smile 他的似笑非笑的笑容。 an approach to the bridge 橋畔,引橋。 the approach to the village 到村莊去的路。 make approaches to (sb.) 同(某人)親近;和(某人)打交道。
        apprize:    vt. = apprise.
        approach -marker -beacon transmitter:    機場信標發送機
        apprise:    vt. 〔書面語〕報告,通知,告知。 apprise sb. of (sth.) 告知某人某事 ( apprise him of my arrival 通知他我已到達)。
        approach a problem:    研究一個問題
        apprisal by body indexes:    身體指數評價
        approach a ship:    檢查船只
        appriou:    阿普里烏
        approach a subject:    靠岸, 登陸, 討論一個問題
        apprex:    阿普雷


        approとは意味:{名} : =<→APPROVAL> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】ae'prou、【分節】ap?pro
        appro meaning: Noun: appro    aprow Usage: Brit An informal British abbreviation of approval "he accepted it on appro" Type of: approval , favorable reception  [US], favo...
        appro 뜻:noun, =approval
        appro перевод:1) _ком. одобрение Ex: on appro на пробу (о товарах, присланных с правом возврата)


  1. apprex中文
  2. appriou中文
  3. apprisal by body indexes中文
  4. apprise中文
  5. apprize中文
  6. approach中文
  7. approach -marker -beacon transmitter中文
  8. approach a problem中文
  9. approach a ship中文
  10. approach a subject中文


'You are something else!' 居然是你真奇怪!
印度僧侶在森林里冥想時被豹子咬死! (雙語版)

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