approach path中文

發音:   用"approach path"造句
  • approach:    vt. 1.向…接近,走近;使接近。 2.探討;看待,對 ...
  • path:    n. (pl. paths ) 1.(自然踏成的)路;路 ...
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  1. Lighting fittings for civil land aerodromes - specification for lighting units for use in precision approach path indicator systems
  2. The vertical section of the radar picture along the direction of the approach path marked a - b in figure 10 , together with the winds experienced by the plane , is given in figure 11
  3. The vertical section of the radar picture along the direction of the approach path ( marked a - b in figure 10 ) , together with the winds experienced by the plane , is given in figure 11
    圖11展示雷達圖中沿降落航線的垂直切面(圖10中的a至b )以及航機遇到的風向和風速。
  4. Dvordme stations are installed at lung kwu chau ( lkc ) and siu mo to ( smt ) to support departure and missed approach paths of the hkia . aeronautical information database ( aidb ) system
  5. The squall line complex continued to move southeast . at about 12 : 30utc 8 : 30 p . m . local time , an area of intense rain , over 100 mm h , moved to just south of ting kau tk , see figure 9 for location to cross the approach path of runway 25r northern runway at a time a plane was making an instrumented approach to runway 25r see figure 10
    颮線群繼續向東南方移動,在大約協調世界時12時30分本港時間下午8時30分,一個降雨率超過每小時100毫米的大雨區剛好移到汀九tk ,位置見圖9南面,橫過25r跑道北跑道的降落航道,而這時正有一架航機以儀表導航方式準備降落25r跑道圖10 。


  1. the final path followed by an aircraft as it is landing
    同義詞:approach, glide path, glide slope


        approach:    vt. 1.向…接近,走近;使接近。 2.探討;看待,對 ...
        path:    n. (pl. paths ) 1.(自然踏成的)路;路 ...
        approach path programer:    進場航道程序機構
        optimum approach path:    最佳進場航線
        apcs approach path control system:    進近航路控制系統
        papi precision approach path indicator:    精密進近航道指示器
        precision approach path indicator (papi):    精確進場路線指示燈
        approach:    vt. 1.向…接近,走近;使接近。 2.探討;看待,對待,處理。 3.向…接洽[提議]。 4.〔美國〕企圖收買。 短語和例子 approach one's home 快到家。 approach completion 將近完成。 It is wrong to approach a problem from a metaphysical point of view. 用形而上學的觀點來看待問題是錯誤的。 approach Shakespeare as a poet 詩才堪與莎士比亞相比擬。 approach the manager with a suggestion 向經理提出建議。 approach the manager on a business 為一項事務與經理接洽。 approach a government officer 企圖向政府官員行賄。 vi. 臨近,靠近,近似。 Winter approaches. 冬天快到了。 n. 1.走近,接近,逼近。 2.近似,類似。 3.進路,入口;門徑,接近[處理]的方法,手段。 4.探索,探討。 5.看法,觀點。 6.〔pl.〕親近;打交道。 7.【軍事】(為逼近敵方工事而挖的)戰壕。 8.【航空】進場(飛行),進入(投彈點)。 9.【軍事】戰斗前進。 10.〔pl.〕 提議,建議。 短語和例子 the best approach to study a foreign language 學習外國語的最佳方法。 the blind approach 【航空】盲目(按儀表)進場。 the instrument approach 【航空】按儀表進場。 a scientific approach 科學態度。 his nearest approach to a smile 他的似笑非笑的笑容。 an approach to the bridge 橋畔,引橋。 the approach to the village 到村莊去的路。 make approaches to (sb.) 同(某人)親近;和(某人)打交道。
        approach of:    駛近
        approach to:    接近;幾乎等于; 接近;近似,約等于; 接近;約等于; 接近于; 類似,辦法,通道; 駛近; 通往...的方法;接近
        at the approach of:    在快到的時候; 在…將到的時候
        on the approach:    在進場中
        the approach:    降落機場前
        the approach of:    在快到的時候
        with the approach of:    隨著….的臨近
        by path:    按路徑; 旁通管旁路
        by-path:    小路,旁路,側道,僻徑。
        no path:    無路徑
        path:    path(ol.) =pathological; pathology. n. (pl. paths ) 1.(自然踏成的)路;路徑;(馬路邊上的)人行道;(車子走不過的)小路;(競走或自行車比賽的)跑道。 2.路線;路程;〔比喻〕(人生的)道路;(思想、行為、生活的)途徑,方式。 3.【天文學】道,帶。 短語和例子 approach path 【航空】進場航線。 moon's path 【天文學】白道。 path of a total eclipse 【天文學】全蝕帶。 a path strewn with roses 撒滿玫瑰的道路,安樂的一生。 a beaten path 踏出來的[走慣的]路;常規,普通方法。 break [blaze] a (new) path 開辟一條(新)路。 cross sb.'s path 碰見某人;擋住某人去路,阻礙某人。 set sb.on the right path 使某人走上正路。 path-breaker 開路人;闖將。 adj. -less 無路的,人跡未到的。
        path by:    旁通管
        path the:    道路報
        the path:    解脫道
        approach approach:    一再鍛煉的人
        approach bridge, approach span:    引橋
        approach-approach conflict:    各衡突; 趨沖突; 雙趨型矛盾



  1. approach of die中文
  2. approach of entry中文
  3. approach on the deck中文
  4. approach onto wire中文
  5. approach part中文
  6. approach path programer中文
  7. approach pattern中文
  8. approach phase中文
  9. approach plan view中文
  10. approach plate中文


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