bathing place中文

發音:   用"bathing place"造句
  • bathing:    n. 1.游泳;洗海[河、湖]水澡。 2.(海濱等的)游 ...
  • place:    n. 1.地方,場所,處;所在,位置;〔抽象名詞〕空間 ...
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  1. She then carried ( her sister ) to the bathing place and put her down there
  2. She saw , with the creative eye of fancy , the streets of that gay bathing place covered with officers
  3. The water scene is most enchanting at the jadeite pool , which , it is said , used to be the bathing place of the ocean dragon princess
  4. The main contents include : water environment , marine sediment and the trend monitoring of marine life quality ; at the same time , to consolidate the monitoring of the functional zones , such as seashore bathing places , oceanic reserves , marine aquafarms ; to set up the seashell monitoring and controlling zones in the sea areas of both pingtan and yunxiao at the first time ; to carry out the statistical monitoring of polder , exploiting sea sand , spartin aallerni flora , terrestrial sewages , etc . , to carry out monitoring of the total quantity of pollutants into the offshore marine areas in the min river , the jiulong river as well as the municipal sewages of xinlin industry in xiamen and jiaocheng in ningde ; to carry out the red tide monitoring in the offshore marine areas of fujian province ; to implement time - lapse , pointing and continuous red tide monitoring of high frequency and high intensity in the sandu gulf , the min river estuary and offshore marine areas of xiamen




  1. bathing drawers中文
  2. bathing dress中文
  3. bathing facility中文
  4. bathing gown中文
  5. bathing machine中文
  6. bathing process waste中文
  7. bathing prohibited中文
  8. bathing shed中文
  9. bathing shoes中文
  10. bathing sli中文


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