- And the first reorganization of artificial person in code ? ? bgb , is only to justify capital reasonability . in the third part , the historic and current disputes on corporation subject are introduced
在第三部分,本文分析了歷史和現實中關于團體主體資格的問題與爭議,對其中團體主體地位的實在性之爭提出了自己的看法。 - Prinzip des " hand wahre hand " in gemanic is merely similar in form . the protection of commerce requires the priority be given to the transferee , which is the modern significance of acquisition in good faith and is best manifested in bgb
具體來說,在動產,是占有人無權處分其占有的動產,若已交付于善意受讓人,則受讓人依法取得該動產的所有權或質權。 - Subject title means the competence to be adscription of legal rights and responsibilities , and has shown an emphasis on the factor of reason since modern times begun . “ b rgerliches gesetzbuch ( abr . as bgb in following text ) ” created the word “ rechtsfaehigkeit ” to take the place of “ personalite ” to meet the requirement of formation . and the non - ethical rechtsfaehigkeit became then the token of civil subject in code