
[ 'kredit ] 發音:   用"credit"造句
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  1. I gave the student almost full credit .
  2. I did not give you credit for such skill .
  3. Letter of credit belongs to banker's credit .
  4. I'd love to take credit for that decision .
  5. Sorry , i left my credit card at home .


  1. used in the phrase `to your credit'' in order to indicate an achievement deserving praise; "she already had several performances to her credit";
  2. recognition by a college or university that a course of studies has been successfully completed; typically measured in semester hours
    同義詞:course credit
  3. an estimate, based on previous dealings, of a person''s or an organization''s ability to fulfill their financial commitments
    同義詞:credit rating
  4. an entry on a list of persons who contributed to a film or written work; "the credits were given at the end of the film"
  5. approval; "give her recognition for trying"; "he was given credit for his work"; "give her credit for trying"
  6. a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage; "the student''s essay failed to list several important citations"; "the acknowledgments are usually printed at the front of a book"; "the article includes mention of similar clinical cases"
    同義詞:citation, cite, acknowledgment, reference, mention, quotation
  7. arrangement for deferred payment for goods and services
    同義詞:deferred payment
  8. money available for a client to borrow
  9. an accounting entry acknowledging income or capital items
    同義詞:credit entry
  1. have trust in; trust in the truth or veracity of
  2. give someone credit for something; "We credited her for saving our jobs"
  3. ascribe an achievement to; "She was not properly credited in the program"
  4. accounting: enter as credit; "We credit your account with $100"



        creditとは意味:1credit n. (1) 信用; 名聲, 評判; 譽(ほま)れ, 名譽; 認めること; クレジット 《出版物 演劇 放送などで制作関係者 出演者の表示》; 《米》 (科目の)履修証明, 履修単位. 【動詞+】 ◆accept undeserved credit 身に余る栄譽を受ける I cannot accept (any) credit for something I didn't do....
        credit meaning: Noun: credit    kredit Approval "he was given credit for his work"; "give her credit for trying" - recognition   Money available for a client to borrow&...
        credit en francaisn. crédit; croyance; droit; devoir, mérite; point d'honneur v. créditer, avoir confiance en; s'attribuer la réussite
        credit artinya:kepercayaan
        credit 뜻:신뢰, 신용, 명성, 평판, 신망, 세력, 신용, 신용 대부, 외상(판매), (크레디트에 의한)지불유예 기간, 대변, 대변의 기입, 대월 계정, (은행의)예금(액), 신용장, 면목을 세움, 명예, 칭찬, 명예가 되는 것, (어떤 과목의)수료(이수)증명, 이수 단위, 학점, (시험 성적의)양, (공적.성질등이 있다고)인정함, 믿음, 크레디트(출판물.연극.방송...


  1. credicodi中文
  2. credidio中文
  3. credir expa ion中文
  4. credir expansion中文
  5. credisa中文
  6. credit (finance)中文
  7. credit a sum to someone中文
  8. credit account中文
  9. credit account card中文
  10. credit account card number中文


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