crossover point中文

發音:   用"crossover point"造句
  • crossover:    【鐵路】岔道,轉線路,【生物學】(雜色體的)交雜,交換; ...
  • point:    n. 1.尖頭,尖端;尖頭器具;〔美國〕筆尖;接種針,雕 ...
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  1. Approach on break crossover point diastrophism direction of break coal intersecting line drawing in complex structure area
  2. The basic idea of the algorithm is that the bits of binary string behind the crossover point are crossed if the generation number is odd and the bits in the front of crossover point are crossed if the generation number is even
  3. The assimilation scheme uses a blending approach based on optimal linear interpolation . the improvement is 45 % for the phase - lag of s2 after assimilating the altimetric data of the crossover points , while the correction for the diurnal constituents is not so good as for semidiurnal constituents
    利用基于最優插值法的混合法將交叉點的調和常數同化到動力模式中,同化后s _ 2分潮的遲角精度改進最大,可以改進45 ,結果顯示高度計資料的分析結果對模式結果的精度影響很大。
  4. The diurnal constituents at some of the crossover points and all of the semi - diurnal constituents at all of the crossover points as well as 16 tidal gauge data are assimilated in the ocean model , this is because the assimilation of the diurnal constituents at some crossover points make the result worse . the improvement is 36 % for m2 , 54 % for s2 , 42 % for k , , 30 % for 01 compared with the results of dynamic model without assimilation . in the stratified ocean , mixing controls the intensity of the ocean current
    為了克服交叉點上全日分潮精度較低的局限,文中主要將半日分潮同化進模式中,而全日分潮只在部分交叉點上進行了同化,同時同化了沿岸16個驗潮站的調和常數,同化高度計資料和沿岸資料后, m _ 2 、 s _ 2 、 k _ 1 、 o _ 1四個主要分潮的結果精度分別提高36 、 48 、 20 、 12 。



        crossover pointとは意味:交差點{こうさてん}
        crossover point meaning:[Electronics] See CROSSOVER, 2. crossover S-curve The S-shaped image obtained on an oscilloscope screen during sweep-generator alignment of a frequency-modulation (FM) detector. In correct alignment,...
        crossover point перевод:1. точка пересечения 2. место пересечения (дорог на разных уровнях) 3. авто момент равного подъема впускного и выпускного клапанов 4. точка кроссовера (минимального сечения электронного пучка)


  1. crossover oxide中文
  2. crossover passage中文
  3. crossover patrol中文
  4. crossover pipe中文
  5. crossover placement method中文
  6. crossover port中文
  7. crossover position中文
  8. crossover position interference中文
  9. crossover rap中文
  10. crossover rates中文



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