defensive copy中文

發音:   用"defensive copy"造句
  • defensive:    adj. 1.防衛的,防御的;守勢的。 2.辯護的。 短 ...
  • copy:    n. 1.抄本,繕本,謄本,摹本,復制品,【電影】拷貝; ...
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更多例句:  下一頁
  1. Prudence would dictate that defensive copies are needed when calling them , too
  2. You must also be prepared to accept the performance overhead of making defensive copies where necessary
  3. And in the absence of clear documentation , you must make defensive copies on both sides of a method call
  4. Accessors for immutable properties will always have value semantics and do not need the defensive copying on either side of the call , making them more efficient
  5. Every time an object on the screen moved even the mouse probably seemed daunting at the time , and the overhead of making defensive copies probably seemed out of the question . in hindsight , the decision to make


        defensive:    adj. 1.防衛的,防御的;守勢的。 2.辯護的。 短 ...
        copy:    n. 1.抄本,繕本,謄本,摹本,復制品,【電影】拷貝; ...
        be on the defensive:    進行防御
        defensive:    adj. 1.防衛的,防御的;守勢的。 2.辯護的。 短語和例子 assume a defensive attitude 采取守勢。 a defensive alliance 防守同盟。 a defensive warfare 防御戰。 defensive works 防御工事。 n. 1.守勢。 2.辯護。 短語和例子 assume the defensive 采取守勢。 be [stand, act] on the defensive 取防守姿態,在防御立場上。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
        a copy a:    拷貝
        a copy of:    口語中經常使用; 一份,一本; 一份,一本
        copy:    n. 1.抄本,繕本,謄本,摹本,復制品,【電影】拷貝;【法律】副本 (opp. script)。 2.(書的)一部,一冊,(報紙的)一份。 3.〔不用不定冠詞及 pl.〕(印刷的)原稿;新聞材料。 4.〔罕用語〕范本,習字貼 (=copybook); 〔英口〕(學校的)作文(習題)。 短語和例子 duplicate copies 正副兩本。 a clean [fair] copy 謄清的稿子[文件];清樣。 a foul [rough] copy底稿,草稿。 make a rough copy of 起草。 copy of verses 短詩;習作詩。 hold copy 做校對員的助手。 keep a copy of 留副本。 make good copy 成為(報紙等的)好材料。 paint [write] from a copy 臨畫[臨帖]。 take a copy 復寫。 vt.,vi. 1.抄,謄,臨(帖),模寫,復寫。 2.模仿,仿效。 3.〔英學俚〕抄襲(別人試卷)。 短語和例子 copy a great man 模仿偉人。 copy into a notebook 做筆記。 copy fair 謄清。 copy out a document 全文抄下一份文件。 copy from (the) life 寫生。
        copy of these:    圣經的文本
        copy to:    復制到
        this copy:    這份拷貝
        assume the defensive:    采取守勢
        casting on the defensive:    防御式施法
        defense of defensive:    守隊或守隊隊員
        defense or defensive:    守隊或守隊球員
        defensive (weapons):    防御性
        defensive action:    防守動作
        defensive aggression:    防御性攻擊
        defensive aircraft:    防空飛機
        defensive armament:    防御性軍備
        defensive asset:    防御性資產
        defensive assignment:    指定的防守位置
        defensive attack:    防御的攻勢; 消極進攻戰術
        defensive attribution:    防衛歸因防衛歸因; 防御性歸因
        defensive auras:    防御光環
        defensive base:    防守基地


  1. defensive circle中文
  2. defensive conditioned reflex中文
  3. defensive conditionedreflex中文
  4. defensive conditioning reflex中文
  5. defensive coping中文
  6. defensive dribble中文
  7. defensive driving strategies中文
  8. defensive electronics中文
  9. defensive end中文
  10. defensive energy中文


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