degrees of frost中文

發音:   用"degrees of frost"造句
  • degree:    n. 1.程度;等級。 2.階層,地位。 3.學位,學術 ...
  • frost:    n. 1.弗羅斯特〔姓氏〕。 2.Robert Lee ...
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  1. Home , said pierre , throwing open the bearskin coat over his broad , joyously breathing chest in spite of ten degrees of frost
  2. Christmas came and except for the high mass , the solemn and wearisome congratulations to neighbours and house - serfs , and the new gowns donned by every one , nothing special happened to mark the holidays , though the still weather with twenty degrees of frost , the dazzling sunshine by day and the bright , starlit sky at night seemed to call for some special celebration of the season
  3. Half of the army was lost without a battle . at this period of the campaign the soldiers were without boots or fur - lined coats , on half rations , without vodka , camping out at night for months in the snow with fifteen degrees of frost ; while there were only seven or eight hours of daylight , and the rest was night ; where discipline could not exert the same influence , and men were put in peril of death , not for a few hours , as on the field of battle , but for whole months together were keeping up a struggle every moment with death from cold and hunger


        degree:    n. 1.程度;等級。 2.階層,地位。 3.學位,學術 ...
        frost:    n. 1.弗羅斯特〔姓氏〕。 2.Robert Lee ...
        by degrees:    一點兒一點兒地; 逐漸地
        degrees:    (罪行的)輕重; 度;角度; 學位
        to a degrees:    稍微在小范圍內
        frost:    n. 1.霜;霜柱;結霜;冰凍,嚴寒;冰點以下的溫度。 2.(態度、感情等的)冷淡,冷酷。 3.〔俚語〕(演劇、出版物宴會、旅行等的)失敗;掃興。 短語和例子 a heavy [hard, severe] frost酷寒。 ten degrees of frost冰點下十度。 The dance turned out a frost. 舞蹈節目完全失敗。 a dead frost 〔俚語〕徹底失敗。 frost in the ground 地中霜柱,地面凍結。 Jack F- 霜精,嚴寒。 vt. 1.在…上覆以霜;霜害(植物等);〔比喻〕使意氣沮喪。 2.使(玻璃、金屬等表面)無光澤,使(頭發)霜白;在(糕餅等上)加糖霜。 3.在(馬蹄鐵上)加釘防滑。 vi. 〔罕用語〕 1.起霜,受凍。 2.(油漆的表面等)干成霜狀。 短語和例子 It frosts. 下霜。 n. 1.弗羅斯特〔姓氏〕。 2.Robert Lee Frost 羅伯特弗羅斯特〔1874-1963,美國詩人〕。
        of frost:    冰點以下; 霜的
        the frost:    寒霜
        academic degrees:    學位
        arts, degrees:    文科類專業目錄
        baume degrees:    波美度
        baumes degrees:    波美度
        celsius degrees:    攝氏度數
        clarke degrees:    (水質硬度的)克拉克度
        decimal degrees:    帶小數點的度數
        degrees brix:    白利糖度
        degrees centigrade:    攝氏度數
        degrees engler:    恩氏粘度
        degrees fahrenheit:    華氏度數
        degrees in centigrade:    攝氏39度
        degrees kelvin:    凱氏度數,絕對溫度
        degrees of comparison:    比較的等級; 比較級
        degrees of crminality:    犯罪的等差
        degrees of dryness:    乾燥度
        degrees of fusion:    融合度
        degrees of murder:    (惡意)殺人罪的等級



  1. degrees of comparison中文
  2. degrees of crminality中文
  3. degrees of dryness中文
  4. degrees of fusion中文
  5. degrees of murder中文
  6. degrees of protection by enclosures中文
  7. degrees of the scale中文
  8. degrees rotation中文


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