depressurized towing tank中文

發音:   用"depressurized towing tank"造句
  • tow:    n. 1.【紡織;印染】落纖;短麻屑;亞麻短纜維,絲束。 ...
  • tank:    n. 1.罐,槽;箱;柜〔盛液體或氣體的大容器〕;(火車 ...
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  1. With the fund item sponsored by the national laboratory of hydrodynamics , the study on measurement method of propeller - induced pressure with using self - propulsion model has been carried out in depressurized towing tank
  2. The advantage and disadvantage of measurement of propeller - induced pressure by using different equipment is discussed . the method to obtain self - propulsion point for full scale in depressurized towing tank is studied . the measurements of pressure of two propeller models are carried out , the results of the measurement agree with those obtained by cavitation tunnel very well , which proves this measurement is successful , and the theoretical prediction is verified too
  3. The prediction of propeller - induced hull pressure fluctuation in non - uniform flow is studied by using theoretical calculation and model experiment systematically . an intact method and computer program for the prediction of unsteady cavitating propeller - induced hull pressure fluctuation in non - uniform flow is set up in this paper . the measurement of propeller induced hull pressure fluctuation in depressurized towing tank carried out in this paper is the first time inland



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  8. depressurizing中文
  9. depressurizing system中文
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