diplomatic practice中文

發音:   用"diplomatic practice"造句
  • diplomatic:    adj. 1.外交(上)的;有外交手腕的;外交使團的。 ...
  • practice:    vt.,vi. 〔美國〕=practise.
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  1. So the research on cultural diplomacy isn ’ t only the deepening of international culture theory , but the necessity of diplomatic practice
  2. It is just like a thread running through his thought of foreign policy of peace and the diplomatic practice , and is also the core of this thought
  3. Russian diplomatic traditions refer to the relatively lasting and stable characteristics manifested in russian diplomatic practice over a long term
  4. Based on his important diplomatic practice this author points out that li hong - zhang was a representative of the diplomacy of humiliation of the late qing dynasty
  5. He twice served as china ' s envoy to the united states and in his diplomatic practice he developed rich thought on diplomacy including ideas of equal diplomacy , balance diplomacy and cultural diplomacy


        diplomatic:    adj. 1.外交(上)的;有外交手腕的;外交使團的。 ...
        practice:    vt.,vi. 〔美國〕=practise.
        diplomatic:    adj. 1.外交(上)的;有外交手腕的;外交使團的。 2.古抄本的;不改真本原樣的。 短語和例子 the diplomatic body [corps] 外交使團。 a diplomatic copy 一字未改的抄稿[謄本]。 diplomatic agent 外交工作人員。 diplomatic evidence 文獻上的證據。 resume [sever] diplomatic relations 恢復[斷絕]外交關系。
        in practice:    實際上(狀語); 實際上,事實上,在實踐中; 醫生在開業; 在不斷實踐/練習中; 在時間中,實際上; 在實際中,實際上; 在實踐中, 實際上, 熟練; 在實踐中,實際上; 在實踐中;在不斷練習中
        it was the practice:    這就是當時的習慣
        of practice:    實際射擊精度
        practice:    n. 1.實行,實踐,實施;實際;實用;做法,技術。 2.習慣,慣例,常規。 3.練習,演習,實習,實驗;老練,熟練。 4.(醫生、律師等的)業務,開業;生意,主顧。 5.【數學】實算。 6.〔常 pl.〕 〔古語〕策略,詭計,欺詐。 7.【法律】訴訟手續。 8.【宗教】儀式。 短語和例子 A plausible idea, but will it work in practice 主意倒好,然而能實行嗎? a common practice 風氣;常例。 bureaucratic practices 官僚主義作風。 the old practices 過去的一套,老一套。 social practice 社會實踐。 a blank [firing] practice 空彈[實彈]演習。 sharp practice 狡詐[不正當]的手段。 The doctor has a large practice. 這個醫生病人很多。 a matter of common [daily] practice 尋常的事。 (do) practice (in music [at the nets]) 練習(音樂[網球])。 in practice 1. 實際上,事實上;在實踐中。 2. 在不斷練習中;練習充足;熟練。 3. 在開業中。 in practice if not in profession 雖不明講但實際如此。 It was the practice . 這就是當時的習慣。 make a practice of 老是;經常進行…;以…為慣用手段。 out of practice 久不練習,荒疏。 P- makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 put [bring] in [into] practice 實行。 reduce to practice 實施。 vt.,vi. 〔美國〕=practise.
        practice of:    有...習慣
        this practice:    擊碎膝蓋骨
        diplomatic bag, diplomatic pouch:    外交郵袋
        diplomatic language diplomatic parlance:    外交辭令
        diplomatic pouch, diplomatic bag:    外交郵袋
        a diplomatic intrigue:    外交陰謀
        a diplomatic occasion:    外交場合
        a diplomatic refusal:    巧妙拒絕
        a diplomatic triumph:    外交上的勝利
        diplomatic achievement:    外交成就
        diplomatic act:    外交行為
        diplomatic agent:    外交人員
        diplomatic approach:    外交途徑
        diplomatic asylum:    外交庇護
        diplomatic authorization:    外交特準
        diplomatic bag:    外交信袋外交郵包; 外交郵袋
        diplomatic battle:    外交戰
        diplomatic body:    外交使團


  1. diplomatic personnel service bureau中文
  2. diplomatic ponch中文
  3. diplomatic post中文
  4. diplomatic pouch中文
  5. diplomatic pouch, diplomatic bag中文
  6. diplomatic prerogative中文
  7. diplomatic privilege中文
  8. diplomatic privilege and immunity中文
  9. diplomatic privileges中文
  10. diplomatic privileges and immunities中文


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