
發音:   用"equinoctials"造句
adj. 【天】二分點的;晝夜分線的;晝夜平分時的;春分的
n. 赤道;春分[秋分]周內的暴風雨
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  1. she plunged into the chilly equinoctial darkness as the clock struck ten, for her fifteen miles walk under the steely stars
  2. firstly, the connected end sets of the relay lines are got using the breadth first search algorithm and the connected relationship of wiring terms is got in the electrical circuit diagram according to different cad block structure of different element type . secondly, the appropriate specification of the relay element is chosen by using the equinoctial graph algorithm, and the panel layout diagram is generated automatically by the combining automatic layout and manual intervention . finally, the optimized path algorithm which passes each vertex in the completed non-directional graph once and only once is put forward, this algorithm and the prim minimum spanning tree algrotithm can generate the inner panel wiring diagram and terminal wiring diagram automatically



  1. equinoctial spring tides中文
  2. equinoctial storms中文
  3. equinoctial tides中文
  4. equinoctial years中文
  5. equinoctially中文
  6. equinoctian中文
  7. equinoction中文
  8. equinoctional中文
  9. equinoctium中文
  10. equinometer中文


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