fasting cure中文

發音:   用"fasting cure"造句
  • fasting:    n. 禁食。 F- comes after feasti ...
  • cure:    n. 〔俚語〕怪人,奇人。
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  1. Application of urea for fast cured epoxide powder coating
  2. That is , if a faster cure is developed and in wide use by two thousand twelve
  3. Using redox initiation , a kind of room - temperature fast curing two - component adhesive was prepared with expoxy arcylate , other active monomers and additives
  4. Ym series is an epoxy - bond , two - part liquid thermal cure marking ink . it has such perfimance characters as good printing adaptability , fast curing rate excellent adhesion and insulation resistance . it is better to be used in making double surface and the multipke layers circuit boards


        fasting:    n. 禁食。 F- comes after feasti ...
        cure:    n. 〔俚語〕怪人,奇人。
        fasting:    n. 禁食。 F- comes after feasting. 〔諺語〕開頭大吃大喝,最后忍饑挨餓。 adj. 禁食的。
        cure:    n. 1.治愈,痊愈;醫治,治療 (of);(對社會問題等的)處治,對策。 2.藥,治療用劑 (for);療法。 3.療養;療程;礦泉療養地。 4.補救(辦法),矯正法 (for)。 5.牧師的職位[職責]。 6.〔美俚〕離婚〔醫治家庭病的良藥之意〕。 7.(橡膠的)硫化;干固,固化。 8.(魚等用腌、熏、曬、烤等的)加工保藏(法)。 短語和例子 the best cure for a cough 止咳良藥。 a good cure for lying 治謊良策。 a cure for unemployment 失業問題的對策。 vt. 1.治愈,治療,醫治。 2.救治,矯正,掃除(惡習等)。 3.(用腌,熏等法)保藏(魚肉等),加工。 4.硫化(橡膠)。 be cured of (a disease) (病)治好了。 cure drunkenness 矯正[改掉]酒癖。 cure mental worry 消除精神煩惱。 cure oneself of 自行矯正,自己改正(惡習等)。 vi. 1.醫病;治愈。 2.(谷草等)曬干;(魚等用腌熏等法)進行加工。 3.(橡膠)受硫化。 短語和例子 The hay is curing in the sun. 谷草正在太陽下曬干。 n. 〔俚語〕怪人,奇人。
        cure of:    治愈,治療; 治愈,醫治;矯正
        cure…of:    治愈;痊愈
        the cure:    真情世界; 治療/治愈; 治療樂隊
        to cure … of:    治愈…
        absolute fasting:    絕對禁食
        coefficient of fasting:    加快系數
        fasting acid:    空腹胃酸
        fasting blood:    空腹血液
        fasting catabolism:    饑餓分解代謝
        fasting diet:    禁食,絕食
        fasting dysentery:    噤口痢
        fasting glucose:    空腹血糖值
        fasting hemoglobin:    快速血紅蛋白組份
        fasting hyperbilirubinemia:    空腹高膽紅素血癥
        fasting hypoglycemia:    饑餓性低血糖
        fasting metabolism:    禁食椿
        fasting pen:    不喂飼料的牲畜存放圍欄
        fasting resistance:    加快電阻
        fasting specimen:    空腹標本
        fasting state:    禁食狀態
        fasting treatment:    艾倫氏療法; 禁食療法



  1. fasting blood-glucose中文
  2. fasting blood-glucose concentration中文
  3. fasting blood-sugar level中文
  4. fasting catabolism中文
  5. fasting comes after feasting中文
  6. fasting diet中文
  7. fasting dysentery中文
  8. fasting gastrin level中文
  9. fasting glucose中文
  10. fasting hemoglobin中文


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