generally suppose中文

發音:   用"generally suppose"造句
  • generally:    adv. 1.大概,普通。 2.通常,一般。 3.廣泛地 ...
  • suppose:    vt. 1.設想,推測;猜想某事[某人]如何 (to d ...
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  1. They were generally supposed to be old friends and confederates of wilson, whose minds were of course highly excited against porteous .
  2. The new informality is generally supposed to make us like our jobs more
  3. It is generally supposed that a good wife and virtuous mother will definitely oppose his daughter to take up a job
  4. Indeed , as generally supposed , aristotle ' s doctrine of akrasia is still incomplete , since the possibility of this very phenomenon akrasia may undermine the whole conceptual framework of his ethical theory
  5. So it had the long distance controlling effect on the sediment in the ordos . it is generally supposed that on the ramp of cratonic basin , the sequence of the epicontinental sea in the ordos is mainly composed of the transgressive system tract and the high stand system tract . this paper shows that it is possible that the incised valley of the low stand system tract can exist on the continental shelf in the basin


        generally:    adv. 1.大概,普通。 2.通常,一般。 3.廣泛地 ...
        suppose:    vt. 1.設想,推測;猜想某事[某人]如何 (to d ...
        suppose:    vt. 1.設想,推測;猜想某事[某人]如何 (to do to be)。 2.假定〔證題時用語,和 given, provided 通用〕。 3.意味著;必須先假定,以…為必需條件。 4.〔現在分詞或祈使語氣〕如果…好不好。 5.〔口語〕如果(=if)。 短語和例子 I suppose you are right. 我想你說得對。 I should suppose him to be about fifty. 我可也猜他是五十歲左右。 Supposing [Suppose] you miss your tiger, he is not likely to miss you. 你如果打不著老虎,老虎不見得吃不著你。 Purpose supposes foresight. 目的就意味著預見。 S- we try. 去試試吧。 S- we go to bed. 咱們去睡吧。 be supposed to (do) 1. …(在職務上)要,應該(You are supposed to be here at eight every day. 你應該每天八點鐘到這里)。 2. 〔用于否定句〕〔口語〕不許,不準 (You're not supposed to smoke here. 不許你在這兒吸煙)。 vi. 推測,料想。 I suppose so. 我想是的。
        suppose that:    假如
        generally:    adv. 1.大概,普通。 2.通常,一般。 3.廣泛地,普遍地。 短語和例子 generally speaking 一般地說。 She is generally here on Sunday. 她星期天通常在這里。 It is generally believed that ... . 普遍認為。
        i suppose:    我想、我看
        i suppose not:    我不認為是這樣
        purpose suppose:    所組成的
        suppose (d05):    認為;假定;猜想
        suppose oppose:    使對抗
        米suppose:    the width of a rectangle is x metres
        be generally so:    大都如此
        generally accepted:    公認的; 通用的;普遍承認的; 一般公認
        generally accounting:    普通會計, 綜合性會計
        generally applies to such and:    庵寺
        generally correct:    大體上正確
        generally labeling:    一般標記
        generally labelled:    全標記的,普通標記的
        generally speaking:    (一般放句首或句中) 一般而言; 一般地說; 一般來說; 一般說來; 總的來說; 總體上講
        gen. generally:    一般來說
        it is generally accepted that:    人們通常認為
        it is generally agreed that:    人們通常認為……
        it is generally considered that:    大家認為
        it is generally recognized that:    一般認為
        he asked for it i suppose:    我猜他是自找的


  1. generally recognized as effective中文
  2. generally recognized as safe中文
  3. generally recognized as safe substances中文
  4. generally regarded as safe中文
  5. generally speaking中文
  6. generalmanager中文
  7. generalmanaget中文
  8. generalmechanical industry company中文
  9. generalnewscolumn中文
  10. generalov中文


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