
[ hænd ] 發音:   用"hand"造句
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  1. Lennie stared hopelessly at his hands .
  2. The snowflakes melt the moment they touch one 's hand .
  3. Roderigo dashes in and demands her hand .


  1. physical assistance; "give me a hand with the chores"
    同義詞:helping hand
  2. terminal part of the forelimb in certain vertebrates (e.g. apes or kangaroos); "the kangaroo''s forearms seem undeveloped but the powerful five-fingered hands are skilled at feinting and clouting"- Springfield (Mass.) Union
  3. a rotating pointer on the face of a timepiece; "the big hand counts the minutes"
  4. the (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb; "he had the hands of a surgeon"; "he extended his mitt"
    同義詞:manus, mitt, paw
  5. ability; "he wanted to try his hand at singing"
  6. one of two sides of an issue; "on the one hand..., but on the other hand..."
  7. something written by hand; "she recognized his handwriting"; "his hand was illegible"
    同義詞:handwriting, script
  8. a round of applause to signify approval; "give the little lady a great big hand"
  9. the cards held in a card game by a given player at any given time; "I didn''t hold a good hand all evening"; "he kept trying to see my hand"
  10. a position given by its location to the side of an object; "objections were voiced on every hand"
  11. a card player in a game of bridge; "we need a 4th hand for bridge"
    同義詞:bridge player
  12. a member of the crew of a ship; "all hands on deck"
  13. a hired laborer on a farm or ranch; "the hired hand fixed the railing"; "a ranch hand"
    同義詞:hired hand, hired man
  14. a unit of length equal to 4 inches; used in measuring horses; "the horse stood 20 hands"
  1. guide or conduct or usher somewhere; "hand the elderly lady into the taxi"
  2. place into the hands or custody of; "hand me the spoon, please"; "Turn the files over to me, please"; "He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers"
    同義詞:pass, reach, pass on, turn over, give


        a hand:    一雙手; 掌聲, 鼓掌
        a in hand:    撐握
        at hand:    關系連接; 即將到來,在附近,在手邊; 即將到來,在手邊; 接近,即將發生; 近旁; 近在手邊,在附近; 近在手邊,在四周; 近在手頭,在附近; 在附近,近在手頭; 在近處,在手邊;即將到來; 在手邊, 在附近, 即將到來; 在手邊,在附近,即將到來; 在手邊,在四周,即將到來; 在手邊,眼前(附近); 在手旁; 在手中,在眼前,即將來臨; 在四周
        at no hand:    無論如何也不, 決不
        by hand:    面交; 手工地; 手工制; 手工做的; 用手,用體力; 用手,手工,親手; 用手,同體力; 用手;用手工的; 用手;由專人送的;用體力; 用手工(做); 專人送交;專人送遞;面呈;專遞文件
        by the hand of:    經...的手
        hand in:    把……交進、交上; 把…上交; 呈送,交上來; 遞交,交出(考卷等); 遞上,交進; 交發交上; 交給; 交進;提交; 交進來(去);交上去;遞交; 交來,交上; 交上,遞交; 交上;遞上,交進; 交上來;遞交; 繳交(書面文件、作業); 上交,遞交; 上交,交進; 上繳; 上教
        hand into:    扶…上車
        hand on:    (打電話時)別掛,等一等; 把...傳遞下去; 把...傳下去, 傳遞下去, 發放; 把…傳下去; 把…拿出來 ; 傳下來,依次傳遞; 傳下來;傳遞; 依次傳遞
        hand on to:    把…傳遞給
        hand the:    大魔手
        hand-in:    有發球權
        in hand:    (工作)在進行中,待辦理; (工作等)在進行中;在控制中; (工作等)正在進行中;待辦理; (工作等)在進行中;待辦理; 彈出臺外; 手頭上有; 隨時可用; 現有在手頭;在進行中; 已經動手; 再掌握中; 在進行中,待辦理; 在控制中,在進行中; 在手中; 在掌握中,在控制中; 在掌握中,動手中,正在進行; 在掌握中,正在進行
        on hand:    持存,庫存; 可用,握有; 手邊(有…),手頭(有…); 隨時可用; 現存; 現有,在手頭;在超到場; 現有;在手邊;臨近; 現有的; 在場,在手邊; 在手邊,臨近; 在手邊,在近處; 在手頭,在近處,現有; 在手頭上,即將發生; 在現場
        to hand:    在手頭
        hand in hand:    把…拿出來 ; 并進,聯合,手牽手; 結合起來,聯合; 密切關聯地 周筆暢最新照片同時并進地; 手拉拉; 手拉手, 聯合; 手拉手,密切關聯地,同時并進地; 手拉手,攜手; 手拉手;聯合; 手拉手;密切關聯的; 手拉手地; 手拉著手,攜手; 手拉著手,攜手;結合起來,聯合; 手拉著手,攜手;結合起來,聯盟; 手牽著手; 手挽手;結合; 手挽手地; 攜手并進; 心手相連
        hand to hand:    逼近地; 手倒手; 手對手; 手交手; 手拉手地;攜手地; 攜手地
        hand-in-hand:    adj. 1.手牽手的,親密的。 2.并進的。
        hand-to-hand:    adj. 1.短兵相接的,肉搏的。 2.一個一個傳下去的。
        hand in hand on one hand:    一方面
        can go hand in hand:    并行不悖
        climb hand over hand:    一把一把地往上登攀
        dorsum of hand,back of hand:    手背
        fight hand to hand:    白刃戰斗; 交手戰, 肉搏
        hand (or manual) pump:    手搖泵
        hanczl:    漢奇爾


        handとは意味:1hand n. 手, 人手; 《文語》 役割; 筆跡; (約束 信義のしるしとしての)手, 婚約, 誓約; 確約; 時計(など)の針; 腕前, 仕方; 所有, 支配; 方向; 手ざわり; (馬の高さを測る単位)ハンド 《4 インチ》. 【動詞+】 ◆He was allowed a free hand in designing the curriculum. カリキュラムの立案に際して自由に裁量...
        hand meaning: Noun: hand    hand The (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb "he had the hands of a surgeon" - Verb: hand    hand Place into the hands or custod...
        hand en francais:bonne journée, je te souhaite une journée agréable (internet)hand (have a nice day) ihænd n. main; écriture; geste; jeu (dans la main du joueur); ouvrier; matelot ...
        hand artinya:menyampaikan
        hand 뜻:noun, 손, (동물의)앞발, (시계의)바늘, 손 모양의 것(바나나 송이 따위)
        hand перевод:1) рука, кисть руки Ex: cupped hands горсть; пригоршня Ex: the back of the hand тыльная сторона руки Ex: the palm of the hand ладонь Ex: with one's own hand собственноручно Ex: with one's bare ha...


  1. hanczar中文
  2. hanczaryk中文
  3. hanczik中文
  4. hanczko中文
  5. hanczl中文
  6. hand (or manual) pump中文
  7. hand -automatic switch中文
  8. hand -held set中文
  9. hand -motion中文
  10. hand -operated electric drill中文


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