happen to say中文

發音:   用"happen to say"造句
  • happen:    vi. 1.發生,〔口語〕出現。 2.〔后接不定式〕偶然 ...
  • say:    vt.,vi. 1.說,講;表達;表明,宣示;聲明,主張 ...
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更多例句:  下一頁
  1. She didn ' t happen to say anything
  2. Crispin happened to say " thank you " at lunch today without being told
    克里斯平今天吃午飯的時候主動說了“謝謝你” 。
  3. A few days ago i was talking with an old couple that lives next door in the log shanty , and they happened to say hardly anybody ever goes to that island over yonder that they call jackson s island
  4. In conversation with tchitchagov , kutuzov happened to say that his carriages , packed with china , that had been carried off by the enemy at borisovo , had been recovered unhurt , and would be restored to him
  5. So sometimes we re very fierce to people , but we don t know why . it s because the button has been pressed . a particular person happens to say something that we d heard in the past when those words upset us


        happen:    vi. 1.發生,〔口語〕出現。 2.〔后接不定式〕偶然 ...
        say:    vt.,vi. 1.說,講;表達;表明,宣示;聲明,主張 ...
        happen:    vi. 1.發生,〔口語〕出現。 2.〔后接不定式〕偶然…,碰巧… (to do)。 短語和例子 Do you happen to remember his name 你還記得他的名字嗎? If anything should happen to me ... 萬一我有不幸…。 It (so) happened that... 偶然,…碰巧。 No matter what [whatever] happens 不管發生什么事,不管出現甚么情況。 as it happens 碰巧 (As it happens, I have left the book at home. 偏巧我把書放在家里了)。 be likely to happen 可能要發生。 happen in 〔美國〕偶然到…(來)。 happen in with 偶然和…碰見。 happen on [upon] 偶然看到[碰到、想到]。 happen what may 無論發生甚么事,不管怎樣。
        happen in with:    偶然和...碰見
        happen on:    巧遇;偶然發現
        happen to:    發生于; 發生在; 碰巧,偶然; 碰巧做
        happen to be:    碰巧是; 恰巧是……
        if……happen to:    表示某事偶然發生
        and say that,:    說著
        not to say:    即使不說是; 雖不能說..; 雖說不上
        say:    vt.,vi. 1.說,講;表達;表明,宣示;聲明,主張,斷定。 Say all you know and say it without reserve. 知無不言,言無不盡。 S- no more. 別再說了。 Never say die! 不可氣餒! Do you mean what you say? 你是說真的嗎? 你說的是當真的嗎? I mean what I say. 我說了是算數的。 S- what you mean. 把你的意思說明白。 Do you say so 那是真的嗎? You don't say (so)! 未必吧!不至于吧!真的! You may well say so. 你那樣說可能(固然)對;你不妨那么說。 Who shall I say, sir (傳達者問來客)你是哪一位? 請問尊姓? I'll say so. 〔美俚〕你說得很對;我也同意。 He said “Yes”.= “Yes,” said he. 他說“是”。 2.背誦,背,念,誦讀。 to be said or sung 供誦讀或歌唱。 say one's lessons 背功課,背書。 3.〔祈使句〕假定(說),比如說,就說,姑且說,大約 (=let us say )。 a few of them, say a dozen 其中幾個人,假定[比如說]一打左右吧。 a couple of hours, say from four to six 兩個鐘頭的時間,比方說從四點到六點。 4.〔美口〕= I say 〔見下〕。 5.〔俚語〕反駁。 短語和例子 as much as to say 等于說;好像是說…一樣地;像要說…似地。 as to say 〔插入語〕也就是說。 Easier said than done. 〔諺語〕說著容易做時難。 have nothing to say for oneself 〔口語〕總是不開口;沒話可說,一言不發。 have something to say for oneself 有要辯白的話。 have something [nothing] to say to [with] 要〔不〕對[和]…爭辯,有話要說[沒話可說],有[沒有]關系。 hear say 聽說,據說。 I cannot say . 我不知道。 I cannot say much for .... 對…不以為…怎樣好;對…不敢恭維。 I dare say 〔插入語〕大概;許是,我想。 I say=〔美口〕;喂;喂喂;哎呀;我是說…〔加強語氣〕;哎呀 ( I say, John=〔美國〕say, John 喂,約翰。 I say, what a beauty! 哎呀!好漂亮的人[東西])! I should say (that) 大概,許是。 I should say not 我以為不是那樣。 (It) goes without saying that 當然不用說…。 It is said that .... 據說,聽說。 (let us) say 比如說;大約。 may well say that …很可以說。 mean what one says 是當真的。 No sooner said than done. 一說就做;說到做到。 not to say ...,雖不能說…,即使不說 ( It is warm, not to say hot. 雖說不上熱,但也很暖和了)。 say a good word for 替…說好話,替…說情,替…辯護,推獎。 S- away! 完全說出來吧;盡量說吧! say for oneself 分辯,爭辯。 S- on. 說下去,繼續說吧。 say nay 否認;拒絕。 say one's prayers 禱告。 say one's say [word] 說出自己的想法;把話說完;暢所欲言。 say out 坦白說出,直說。 say over [again] 1. 再說,反復說。 2. 背誦…。 say something =saygrace 飯前后的禱告;即席演說幾句。 say something of 批評。 say the word (下)命令。 say to do 〔美俚、英卑〕叫,命 (He said (for me) to tell you not to come. 他叫(我)告訴你不要來。 They said to telephone. 他們叫(我)打電話)。 say (sth.) to oneself 暗自思量,心想,心中盤算。 ★“自言自語”是 talk to oneself. so to say 〔插入語〕 1. 好比,活像是,恰如,正像。 2. 可以這么說。 That is saying a great deal. 這可了不得。 that is (to ) say 〔插入語〕即,換句話說,(也)就是說;至少。 They say ... 據說,聽說。 There is no saying .... 很難說,說不準。 though I say it (who should not) 雖然不應該由我來說;我來說雖然不太好。 to say nothing of 〔插入語〕更不用說,更不待言,更不必說。 to say the least of it 至少〔插入語〕可以(這樣)說;退一步說。 What do you say to (a walk)? =What say you to (a walk)? (去散散步)你說怎么樣[以為怎么樣]? (散步)好不好? What I say is .... 我的意思是…。 when all is said (and done) 結果;畢竟。 n. 1.該說的事情;想說的事情;話;言詞。 2.〔口語〕輪到發言,發言的機會,發言權; 〔the say〕 〔美國〕最后決定權。 3.〔the say〕 〔口語〕格言,諺語。 短語和例子 It is now my say. 現在該我發言[發表意見]了。 have a [some] say 有發言權。 have the say 〔美國〕要想怎樣就怎樣,有最后決定權。 n. -er 發言人;〔古語〕詩人。
        say it:    親它; 說出來; 說它
        say no:    了“不去上學怎么行
        say on:    說下去
        say this and that:    說這說那
        t say:    你別再說
        that is to say:    換句話說,也就是說; 那就是說, 即是, 換言之, 換句話說; 那就是說,換句話說; 也就是說,至少
        they say:    人們說, 據說, 通常認為
        this is to say:    這也就是說
        to say it:    我不同意你說的話
        accidents will happen:    人有旦夕禍福
        almost happen:    一百萬對一
        and everything will happen:    或許; 一切都將發生
        be doom to happen:    注定會發生的
        be likely to happen:    可能要發生


  1. happen to be in his hand中文
  2. happen to coincide中文
  3. happen to do中文
  4. happen to meet中文
  5. happen to meet sb or find sth中文
  6. happen to sb中文
  7. happen to; it so happened that中文
  8. happen unexpectedly中文
  9. happen upon中文
  10. happen upon sb in the street中文


簡單日常交流口語 (學會一百個常用句型)(二)
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