healon: 透明質酸鈉; 喜朗healingonbattle: 治療設定 [戰斗中healon gv: 喜朗gv透明質酸鈉制劑healingofwound: 創傷愈合healon yellow: 喜朗黃healingly: 康復中地health: n. 1.健康;健康狀態;衛生。 2.昌盛,興旺;生命力。 3.(祝健康的)干杯。 短語和例子 H- is better than wealth. = Good health is above wealth. 〔諺語〕健康勝于財富。 Here is to your health! = To your health! 〔敬酒時用語〕祝您健康! public health 公共衛生。 public health work 保健工作。 a health centre [station] 保健站。 health certificate 健康證明書。 the board of health 衛生局[科]。 broken in health 體弱多病。 drink (to) sb.'s health = drink a health to sb. 舉杯祝某人健康。 in a delicate state of health 〔委婉語〕有喜,有孕。 in (good) health 健康。 in poor health 不健康。 inquire after sb.'s health 問安,問候。 not ... for one's health 為了物質利益,另有目的 (He is not here for his health. 他到這里來另有目的)。 out of health = in poor health. propose the health of sb. 提議為某人的健康干杯。 recover [resume] one's health 恢復健康。 healingbreeze: 之風health action: 健康行動healing with love: 用愛療傷