homologous segment中文
- homologous: adj. 1.同源的。 2.【生物學】異體同型的。 3. ...
- segment: n. 1.(自然形成的)段落;斷片;部分;分節;段;節。 ...
- Three chloroplast transformation vectors including pds16s - cat , ptn1269 - bar and psp72 - n5 - bar - n3 were constructed , using ! 6s rrna or chln gene sequence as a homologous segment and cat or bar as a selective marker gene , respectively . foreign genes were introduced to the cells of d . salina by microprojectile bombardment method and a pilot chloroplast tran
3 .杜氏鹽藻葉綠體165出na基因的克隆和轉化載體的構建根據杜氏鹽藻的近緣藻類的葉綠體基因組序列資料,克隆了杜氏鹽藻葉綠體16srrna基因部分序列1100bp ,并利用克隆的16srrna鄭州大學2003年博士學位論文