keystone distortion中文
- keystone: adj. 吉斯通式的〔指類似吉斯通電影公司拍的庸俗喜劇無 ...
- distortion: n. 1.歪扭,扭曲。 2.【電學】(信號、波形等的)失 ...
- It is shown , through the analysis of their surface power and astigmatism , that the shape of the meridian line has significant influence upon the distributions of surface power and astigmatism . their keystone distortion is small . in this way , pal meeting different circumstances can be designed
最后,舉例設計了光焦度增量為2 . 50m ~ ( - 1 )的幾種漸變鏡片,通過對設計結果分析研究,指出可得到梯形畸變較小的pal鏡片,子午線光焦度漸增多項式參數的選取會影響鏡片球面度和柱面度的大小和分布,由此,可設計滿足不同使用要求的漸變鏡片。