
發音:   用"laterality"造句
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  1. The laterality of brain function in silent reading of chinese words revealed by fmri
  2. The study is due to be published next month in the scientific journal laterality
  3. Air kisses often practiced by celebs are another ' unemotional ' type of greeting . the study is due to be published next month in the scientific journal laterality
  4. The following issues surrounding research on this area that are of theoretical relevance and practical importance were addressed : ( 1 ) a theoretical model that would guide research into limb apraxia ; ( 2 ) assessment and analysis of error types involving observational descriptions of error patterns , manifestation of laterality effects of brain lesions , and kinematic analysis of spatio - temporal deficits ; ( 3 ) the pathological significance of body part as objects ( bpo ) and its relationship with limb apraxia ; and ( 4 ) remediation
  5. The following issues surrounding research on this area that are of theoretical relevance and practical importance were addressed : ( 1 ) a theoretical model that would guide research into limb apraxia ; ( 2 ) assessment and analysis of error types involving observational descriptions of error patterns , manifestation of laterality effects of brain lesions , and kinematic analysis of spatio - temporal deficits ; ( 3 ) the pathological significance of body part as objects ( bpo ) and its relationship with limb apraxia ; and ( 4 ) remediation


  1. superior development of one side of the body
  2. the property of using one hand more than the other
  3. localization of function on either the right or left sides of the brain
    同義詞:lateralization, lateralisation


    The term laterality refers to the preference most humans show for one side of their body over the other. Examples include left-handedness/right-handedness and left/right-footedness, it may also refer to the primary use of the left or right hemisphere in the brain.



        lateralityとは意味:{名} : 側性{そくせい}
        laterality meaning: Noun: laterality    `latu'ralitee Localization of function on either the right or left sides of the brain - lateralization , lateralisation  [Brit]  The property of using...
        laterality en francaisn. latéralité; utilisation de la main droite ou de la main gauche; prédominance d'une partie du corps sur l'autre
        laterality artinya:pengaruh
        laterality 뜻:noun, 좌우차, 편측성(대뇌, 손 등 좌우 한쌍 기관의 좌우의 기능 분화)
        laterality перевод:= lateralization латерализация (функций, напр. формирование праворукости и леворукости)


  1. lateralis pedunculi cerebri sulci中文
  2. lateralis posterior中文
  3. lateralis posterior sulci中文
  4. lateralis processus pterygoidei laminae中文
  5. lateralis thalami nucleus中文
  6. laterality preference schedule中文
  7. laterality sequence中文
  8. laterality theory中文
  9. laterality,cerebral dominance中文
  10. lateralization中文


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