
[ luk ] 發音:   用"look"造句
1.看,注視,盯 (at). Look! 你瞧!看哪! We looked but saw nothing. 我們看是在看,可是什么也沒有看見。
2.〔帶有述語〕顯得,好像。 look sick 顯得有病的樣子。 He does not look his age. 他看上去不像是有這個年紀的人。 He looks very tired. 他好像很疲倦。 He looks every inch a worker. 他沒有一處不像工人。 It looks +更多解釋...
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更多例句:  下一頁
  1. The president's look was cold and penetrating .
  2. She looked out of the window every now and then .
  3. As i look back , scenes of the past leap before my eyes .
  4. Look , no. 5 jumps and is heading it .
  5. Her eyes held a look of silent appeal .


  1. the act of directing the eyes toward something and perceiving it visually; "he went out to have a look"; "his look was fixed on her eyes"; "he gave it a good looking at"; "his camera does his looking for him"
    同義詞:looking, looking at
  2. physical appearance; "I don''t like the looks of this place"
  3. the feelings expressed on a person''s face; "a sad expression"; "a look of triumph"; "an angry face"
    同義詞:expression, aspect, facial expression, face
  4. the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people; "the feel of the city excited him"; "a clergyman improved the tone of the meeting"; "it had the smell of treason"
    同義詞:spirit, tone, feel, feeling, flavor, flavour, smell
  1. have a certain outward or facial expression; "How does she look?"; "The child looks unhappy"; "She looked pale after the surgery"
  2. have faith or confidence in; "you can count on me to help you any time"; "Look to your friends for support"; "You can bet on that!"; "Depend on your family in times of crisis"
    同義詞:count, bet, depend, calculate, reckon
  3. look forward to the probable occurrence of; "We were expecting a visit from our relatives"; "She is looking to a promotion"; "he is waiting to be drafted"
    同義詞:expect, await, wait
  4. convey by one''s expression; "She looked her devotion to me"
  5. perceive with attention; direct one''s gaze towards; "She looked over the expanse of land"; "Look at your child!"; "Look--a deer in the backyard!"
  6. give a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect; "She seems to be sleeping"; "This appears to be a very difficult problem"; "This project looks fishy"; "They appeared like people who had not eaten or slept for a long time"
    同義詞:appear, seem
  7. search or seek; "We looked all day and finally found the child in the forest"; "Look elsewhere for the perfect gift!"
  8. take charge of or deal with; "Could you see about lunch?"; "I must attend to this matter"; "She took care of this business"
    同義詞:attend, take care, see
  9. accord in appearance with; "You don''t look your age!"
  10. be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point; be opposite to; "The house looks north"; "My backyard look onto the pond"; "The building faces the park"
    同義詞:front, face




        a look:    向...瞟一眼
        and then look:    又望望
        look as if:    看起來似乎; 看起來象什么一樣
        look at:    看, 考慮, 著眼于; 看,查看,考慮; 看,注視; 看,朝…看;考慮,研究;看待; 看,觀看; 看,瞧; 看;查看;考慮;對待; 看;關注,考慮,看待,觀察; 看;觀察;查閱; 看望,注視; 看著,對待; 看著,觀看;采納;考慮; 看著;注視;察看; 考慮、著眼于……; 注視控制;視點;朝向; 著眼于…
        look at it:    還是運用連讀; 目之; 一個一個單詞讀出來
        look for:    查找; 是過程“尋找”; 尋根問祖-百家姓; 尋找, 期待; 尋找,期待; 尋找,尋求;指望; 尋找,尋求;期望; 尋找,尋求;惹來,招來; 尋找;期待;預料; 尋找;尋求;期望;指望; 尋找檢查
        look in:    參加的機會; 查找;查找范圍;搜索; 來訪,參觀; 順便訪問/看望; 順便看望,順便訪問; 順便看望;順便拜服; 順便來訪; 順道訪問; 仔細查看
        look in to:    朝……里面看;往……深處看
        look into:    查問; 朝…里面看;瀏覽;調查; 調查,觀察,過問,窺視; 調查,向……里面看去; 調查,觀察,過問,探視; 調查,看進……里面; 調查,考查; 調查,窺視,了解,向里看; 調查,深入了解; 調查,研究;看,注視; 調查;深入了解;研究; 觀測;調查; 觀察,調查; 觀察;調查;查閱; 觀察;調查;窺視; 窺視,調查,了解; 深入考察; 似將; 往……里看、調查; 向……..窺視,調查; 向……里面看去;調查; 研究,調查
        look on:    (從頭至尾)瀏覽; 朝外看; 帝觀,觀看;看待;視作; 觀看, 旁觀, 看待; 觀看,旁觀; 觀望,旁觀; 旁觀,觀看; 旁觀,看作; 旁觀,觀看,看待,視作; 旁觀,觀望;看待; 旁觀,看待; 旁觀;觀看;面向; 玩過鎖定; 在旁邊看
        look on with:    以某種態度對待某人; 與...合看
        look on…as:    把看作; 把…看作…
        look to:    當心;指望; 負責,留意; 求助;有賴于;注意;照顧; 展望;指望; 照管;留心;指望; 照看, 注意, 指望; 照應; 注意
        look-in:    1.一瞥。 2. 短暫的訪問;走馬看花 (give sb. a look-in 順便訪問某人)。 3.(在比賽中)獲勝的希望 (have a look-in 有可能取勝)。 4.【足球】迅速傳球(給以對角線方向跑向球場中部的球員)。
        look⌒at⌒it:    讀出來呢你是否知道從音標上講
        the look:    有型有款
        with ~ look:    以謹慎的表情
        look around = look round:    四處看看
        look at/have a look at:    看一看……
        look good = look nice:    看上去不錯
        look round = look around:    仔細查看
        look shy; look bashful:    帶羞
        look the same = look like:    看起來像
        sickly look; to look ill; to look unwell:    病容
        look a bit emaciated:    看上去有點消瘦
        loojamming:    回圈合并; 循環合并


        lookとは意味:1look n. 顔つき, 目つき, 様子; 一見. 【動詞+】 ◆bend one's look upon… …に顔を向ける ◆cast a look at… …をちらりと見る ◆The store changed its look completely. その店は構えを一新した change one's looks (化粧や髪型などで)容貌を変える ◆dart an angry look a...
        look meaning: Verb: look    lûk Perceive with attention; direct one's gaze towards "She looked over the expanse of land"; "Look at your child!"; "Look--a deer in the back...
        look en francaisn. regard; expression; aspect; apparence; coup d'oeil; forme; image; ressemblance; observation, contemplation v. voir, regarder; avoir l'air, paraît...
        look artinya:lihat
        look 뜻:vi, 보다, 바라보다, ...하게 보이다, ...의 얼굴모양을 하다, ...에 면하다, 조심하다, 기대하다 vt, 눈(짓)으로 나타내다, 눈여겨 들여다보다, 확인하다, 조사하다, ~ after 보살피다, 보호하다, 찾다, ~ ahead 장래임을 생각하다 n, 표정, 눈매, 용모, 일견, 모습, have(give, take)a ~ at ...을 (얼핏)...
        look перевод:1) взгляд Ex: kind look добрый взгляд Ex: to have (to take, to give) a look at smth. посмотреть (взглянуть) на что-л.; (бегло) ознакомиться с чем-л. Ex: to take a good look at smb., smth. вниматель...


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  7. look a gift horse in the mouth中文
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  10. look a stranger up and down中文


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