maternity benefit中文

發音:   用"maternity benefit"造句
  • maternity:    n. 母性;母道;懷孕;產科醫院。 adj. 產婦用的。 ...
  • benefit:    n. 1.利益,好處;利潤。 2.恩惠,恩澤;恩典,特典 ...
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  1. Maternity benefit pay only when you are pregnant
  2. Maternity benefit application form - includes member s personal details and the particulars of hisher newborn baby
  3. Maternity benefits including new - born baby benefits , pregnancy complications and delivery with congenital anomalies 35 major diseases coverage
  4. My premier ladys benefit is a comprehensive womans protection plan . coverage includes protection for 8 critical illnesses and 13 common illnesses treatments that are specific to women , a rewarding refund of premium , and a revolutionary maternity benefit


        maternity:    n. 母性;母道;懷孕;產科醫院。 adj. 產婦用的。 ...
        benefit:    n. 1.利益,好處;利潤。 2.恩惠,恩澤;恩典,特典 ...
        maternity:    n. 母性;母道;懷孕;產科醫院。 adj. 產婦用的。
        benefit:    n. 1.利益,好處;利潤。 2.恩惠,恩澤;恩典,特典。 3.(為賑災等舉行的)義演,義賽。 4.退休金;(依照社會保險付給的)津貼,救濟金,撫恤金。 5.〔俚、反〕好機會,好差事。 短語和例子 a public benefit 公益。 for your special benefit 特為你(利益)打算。 a benefit-match 義賽。 a benefit-night 義演晚會。 medical [maternity] benefits 醫療[產婦]津貼。 I had no end of a benefit getting things straight. 我那收拾東西的好差事沒完沒了。 benefit of clergy 牧師的特權;(結婚時)教會的證明。 benefit society [club] 共濟會,互濟會。 be of benefit 有益,裨益。 for sb.'s benefit = for the benefit of 為…(利益)打算;〔反意語〕為懲戒… (Was he doing that for my benefit 他那樣做是為我好嗎? He wasn't really angry, that was just an act for his girl friend's benefit. 他不是真生氣,那是為了治治他那女朋友的)。 give (sb.) the benefit of the doubt 對(某人的過錯等)作善意解釋,(在證據不足的情況下)假定某人無辜,給(某人)“雖可疑但無罪”的處理。 vt. (-t(t)-) 對…有利,有益于…;使得利益。 a health program to benefit all mankind 一項有益于全人類的衛生計劃。 vi. 得益,受益 (by from). a person who has never benefited from experience 一個從不吸取經驗教訓的人。
        benefit by:    受益
        for the benefit of:    為…的利益; 為利于; 為了…的利益(好處)
        to be of benefit:    有益
        to the benefit of:    對有利; 有利于
        a maternity hospital:    產院
        a maternity ward:    產科病房
        anthropology of maternity:    母性人類學
        maternity aerobics:    孕婦需氧運動
        maternity allowance:    產婦津貼
        maternity bag:    (教區送給貧民的)接生包。
        maternity belt:    孕婦用托腹帶
        maternity benefits:    產假補助金
        maternity blues:    產婦沮喪
        maternity bra:    孕婦乳罩
        maternity brassiere:    產婦胸罩
        maternity care:    母性保健
        maternity centre:    孕婦顧問處。
        maternity clinic:    婦女保健站。
        maternity clothes:    孕婦裝
        maternity corset:    孕婦緊身衣
        maternity department:    產科



  1. maternity and infant health institute中文
  2. maternity and infant healthy institute中文
  3. maternity as a social function中文
  4. maternity bag中文
  5. maternity belt中文
  6. maternity benefits中文
  7. maternity blues中文
  8. maternity bra中文
  9. maternity brassiere中文
  10. maternity care中文


700斤男子占用4張床位拒出院 致70位病人手術延期!(雙語版)

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