metho-: metho-, meth- comb.f. 甲基: methoxide. methobromide,hyoscine: 《英文msh詞典》Methobromide,Hyoscine ; [入口詞] Methobromide,Hyoscine ; [主題詞] N-Methylscopolamine ; [藥動學] Parasympatholytics ; [英文釋義] A muscarinic antagonist used to study binding characteristics of muscarinic cholinergic receptors. metho: n. (澳)衛理公會教徒 methobromide,naloxone: 《英文msh詞典》Methobromide,Naloxone ; [入口詞] Methobromide,Naloxone ; [主題詞] Oxymorphone ; [藥動學] Narcotics ; [英文釋義] An opioid analgesic with actions and uses similar to those of MORPHINE,apart from an absence of cough suppressant activity. It is used in the treatment of moderate to severe pain,including pain in obstetrics. It may also be used as an adjunct to anesthesia. (From Martindale,The Extra Pharmacopoeia,30th ed,p1092) methnikoff's phenomenon: [醫] 麥奇尼科夫氏現象(霍亂弧菌注入腹腔內所起的噬菌現象) methobromin: 六甲溴銨 methnamine: 環六甲基四胺,烏洛托品 methobromine: 美都普樂明,溴化六烴季銨 methmb: [=methemoglobin]高鐵血紅蛋白,正鐵血紅蛋白 methocabal: 舒筋靈,美索巴莫,氨甲酸愈甘油醚酯,氨甲酸愈創木酚甘油醚酯 methlphenobarbital: 甲苯比妥,甲基苯巴比妥