
[ 'əuvə ] 發音:   用"over"造句
1.在上,在高處;從上向下;突出,倚靠;越過。 jump over 跳過。 climb over 爬過。
2.在那邊,向那邊,(越過馬路、河、海等)到那邊,從一處到另一處。 Take this over to the station. 把這個拿到那邊車站去。 He is over in Cuba. 他已在古巴。 Our friends were over yesterday. 我們的朋友們昨天來過了。 I asked him over. 我請過他+更多解釋...
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  1. His perception really knocked me over .
  2. His glance ranged over the orderly rows .
  3. A deadly coldness stole over me .
  4. Time zipped by and the year was soon over .
  5. Do n't lose your temper over such a trifle ..


  1. over the entire area; "the wallpaper was covered all over with flowers"; "she ached all over"; "everything was dusted over with a fine layer of soot"
    同義詞:all over, all over
  2. throughout a period of time; "stay over the weekend"
    同義詞:o''er, o''er
  3. at or to a point across intervening space etc.; "come over and see us some time"; "over there"
  4. throughout an area; "he is known the world over"
  5. beyond the top or upper surface or edge; forward from an upright position; "a roof that hangs over";
  6. over the entire area; "the wallpaper was covered all over with flowers"; "she ached all over"; "everything was dusted over with a fine layer of soot"
    同義詞:all over, all over
  7. throughout a period of time; "stay over the weekend"
    同義詞:o''er, o''er
  8. at or to a point across intervening space etc.; "come over and see us some time"; "over there"
  9. throughout an area; "he is known the world over"
  10. beyond the top or upper surface or edge; forward from an upright position; "a roof that hangs over";
  1. having come or been brought to a conclusion; "the harvesting was complete"; "the affair is over, ended, finished"; "the abruptly terminated interview"
    同義詞:complete, concluded, ended, all over, terminated
  1. (cricket) the division of play during which six balls are bowled at the batsman by one player from the other team from the same end of the pitch



        overとは意味:over adv., prep. 超えて, 終わって; 一面に, 全體に. 【副詞】 ◆It weighs a little over four kilograms. それは 4 キログラムをちょっと超えています ◆I feel hot all over. からだ中が熱っぽい Relax! It's all over. 気を楽にしなさい, すっかり済んだのですから We'll have to ...
        over meaning: Preposition: over    owvu(r) At a higher position than "the picture over radiator"; "the light over the table" - above   On top of and covering "...
        over en francaisn. extra, surplus accordé; supplément, quantité ajoutée; série de balles consécutives lancées par un seul bouliste v. franchir, sauter par dessus, e...
        over artinya:(di) atas
        over 뜻:prep, ...의 위에...을 덮어...을 넘어서...을 통하여...을 지배하여...이상, ~ all 끝에서 끝까지 ad, 하여, ~ and above 그 밖에 a, 위의, 끝의, 상위의, 여분의, 과도한 n, 여분
        over перевод:1) излишек, избыток 2) приплата 3) _воен. перелет (снаряда) 4) _спорт. серия бросков 5) _рад. переход на прием 6) верхний; внешний Ex: the over eyelid верхнее веко 7) вышестоящий 8) излишний, ...


  1. oventest中文
  2. ovenware中文
  3. ovenware; comal; bakeware中文
  4. oven-dry method中文
  5. oveoflavin中文
  6. over 18中文
  7. over 18 years old中文
  8. over 20中文
  9. over 200 jin中文
  10. over 3 hours中文


世界上最致命的動物 第一名居然不是人類  (雙語)

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