passive resistance中文
- passive: adj. (opp. active) 1.被動的;守勢的 ...
- resistance: n. 1.抵抗,反抗,抗拒,抵御;敵對,抵抗力,反抗力, ...
- They mounted a campaign of passive resistance against the occupiers
他們對占領者發起了被動抵抗運動。 - Most of those who did not move offered only passive resistance , but some fighting broke out
那些沒有動的人們大部分都只是消極抵抗,但還是發生了一些沖突。 - He studied theology in school and , while still a college student , became fascinated with mahatma ghandi ' s philosophy of passive resistance
他在中學就研究過神學,而大學期間他開始沉迷于甘地的消極抵抗哲學。 - Munich , 1943 . as hitler wages a devastating war in europe , a group of young people , mostly university students , resorts to passive resistance as the only effective way to cripple the nazis and their inhuman war machine
在1943年的慕尼黑,希特拉正向歐洲發動戰爭之際,一群以大學生為首的年青人發起地下抵抗運動白玫瑰,對抗納粹黨。 - First , passive resistance network was selected as direct current biasing network , which offered direct voltage for base through the resistance voltage divider composed of two resistances , among them the upper resistance connected from the dc to base , the lower resistance connected from the base to ground . the collector connected with dc directly
名詞- peaceful resistance to a government by fasting or refusing to cooperate
同義詞:nonviolent resistance, nonviolence