passive resistance中文

發音:   用"passive resistance"造句
  • passive:    adj. (opp. active) 1.被動的;守勢的 ...
  • resistance:    n. 1.抵抗,反抗,抗拒,抵御;敵對,抵抗力,反抗力, ...
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  1. They mounted a campaign of passive resistance against the occupiers
  2. Most of those who did not move offered only passive resistance , but some fighting broke out
  3. He studied theology in school and , while still a college student , became fascinated with mahatma ghandi ' s philosophy of passive resistance
  4. Munich , 1943 . as hitler wages a devastating war in europe , a group of young people , mostly university students , resorts to passive resistance as the only effective way to cripple the nazis and their inhuman war machine
  5. First , passive resistance network was selected as direct current biasing network , which offered direct voltage for base through the resistance voltage divider composed of two resistances , among them the upper resistance connected from the dc to base , the lower resistance connected from the base to ground . the collector connected with dc directly


  1. peaceful resistance to a government by fasting or refusing to cooperate
    同義詞:nonviolent resistance, nonviolence


        passive:    adj. (opp. active) 1.被動的;守勢的 ...
        resistance:    n. 1.抵抗,反抗,抗拒,抵御;敵對,抵抗力,反抗力, ...
        passive earth resistance:    被動土抗力
        right of passive resistance:    消極抵抗權
        passive:    adj. (opp. active) 1.被動的;守勢的。 2.不抵抗的;默從的;消極的。 3.【語法】被動語態的;被動式的 (opp. active); 【物、化】鈍性的;鈍態的;無源的;【醫學】虛性的;【航空】不用發動機的;【法律】(公債等)無利息的。 短語和例子 the passive voice 被動語態。 passive operations 守勢作戰。 passive commerce 【商業】倚賴外國船的進出口貿易。 a passive net(work) 【電學】無源(電)網路。 the passive state 【化學】鈍態。 n. 1.〔pl.〕被動消極的東西;被動性。 2.【語法】被動語態;被動式。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
        the passive:    被動語態
        are resistance:    耐電弧性
        of resistance:    阻抗
        on resistance:    導通電阻; 開態電阻
        on-resistance:    導通電阻
        resistance:    n. 1.抵抗,反抗,抗拒,抵御;敵對,抵抗力,反抗力,阻力,【生物學】抗病性。 2.【電學】電阻;阻抗;電阻器。 短語和例子 electric resistance 電阻。 abrasive resistance 耐磨力[度]。 dead resistance 吸收[消耗,鎮流]電阻。 passive resistance 無源電阻;消極抵抗。 a piece of resistance 主要品,壓軸,出類拔萃的東西;主菜,壓桌菜(=pièce de résistance)。 make some [no] resistance 進行[不]抵抗。 offer [put up] resistance to [against] 抵抗。 resistance welding 電阻焊接,電焊。 take the line of least resistance 采取阻力最小的路線;采取最省力的方法。
        resistance to:    抵制的; 對……的抵抗,阻力; 對…的阻力
        the resistance:    抵抗380
        passive-satellite passive tracking:    無源衛星被動跟蹤
        agent passive:    施事被動
        component, passive:    無源元件
        dette passive:    債務
        epistemic passive:    準被動
        exit passive:    消極淘汰
        fail passive:    工作可靠但性能下降; 工作可靠的; 故障弱化; 故障消極防護的
        fail-passive:    工作可靠但性能下降; 工作可靠但性能有下降; 故障弱化; 故障消極防護的; 應急可靠的
        get-passive:    被動用法
        indirect passive:    【語法】間接被動語態。
        often passive:    常用于被動語態
        passive absorption:    被動吸收



  1. passive relay中文
  2. passive relay station中文
  3. passive relay system中文
  4. passive remote sensing中文
  5. passive repeater中文
  6. passive resonant circuit中文
  7. passive response中文
  8. passive rest中文
  9. passive resting sodium channel中文
  10. passive restraint tell-tale中文


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