piecewise continuous中文

發音:   用"piecewise continuous"造句
  • continuous:    adj. 1.連續的,繼續的,無間斷的。 2.【植物;植 ...
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  1. Transmission rate 8m - 40m or 30m - 45m piecewise continuous adjustable
    傳輸碼率8m 60m連續可調
  2. For example , bambi hu , he - shen chen and cooperators studied a piecewise continuous map which described the motion of a kicked ion in an infinite potential well
  3. Only using coarse scale wavelet coefficients to reconstruct , standard wavelet transforms cannot possess excellent properties for general images which typically are piecewise continuous functions connected by large jumps . many problems arise near these jumps , caused primarily by the well - known gibbs ' phenomenon
    對于包含許多劇烈跳躍的圖像,由標準的小波變換產生的粗尺度小波系數進行重構,效果不理想,尤其在圖像的劇烈跳躍處會產生gibbs ’現象。
  4. We suggest to study a special kicked rotor moving in a piecewise continuous force field . when adjusting a control parameter the system displays a transition from conservative to quasi - dissipative , and a change of a stochastic web formed by the set of the images of the discontinuous borderlines to a transient stochastic web




  1. piecewise approximation method中文
  2. piecewise bilinear function中文
  3. piecewise bilnear function中文
  4. piecewise constant function中文
  5. piecewise continuity中文
  6. piecewise continuous function中文
  7. piecewise design procedure中文
  8. piecewise differentiable function中文
  9. piecewise differential中文
  10. piecewise fitting中文


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