piecewise polynomial中文

發音:   用"piecewise polynomial"造句
  • polynomial:    adj. 1.【動、植】多詞學名的。 2.【數學】多項式 ...
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  1. They have the properties like the quadratic uniform b - spline basis functions . the piecewise polynomial curves generated by the above - mentioned functions possess the same structure and geometry properties as piecewise quadratic uniform b - spline curve
  2. The method employs a recently developed direct optimization technique that uses a piecewise polynomial representation for the state and controls , thus converting the optimal control problem into a nonlinear programming problem . the method is remarkably robust to initial guesses , which is better than traditional method
  3. In the computational methods of tpbvp , in order to reduce some difficulties involved in solving a tpbvp via adjoint variables , we discuss a direct method in which state and control variables are indirectly parameterized , the method employs a recently developed direct optimization technique that uses a piecewise polynomial representation for the state and control variables , thus converting the optimal control problem into a nonlinear programming problem , which can be solved numerically . it makes the initial iterative variable more easy to be determined




  1. piecewise linear system中文
  2. piecewise linear transform中文
  3. piecewise linearity中文
  4. piecewise linearization中文
  5. piecewise monotonic function中文
  6. piecewise polynomial approximation中文
  7. piecewise polynomial interpolation中文
  8. piecewise quadratic中文
  9. piecewise quadratic detector中文
  10. piecewise regression中文



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