- linear: adj. 1.線的,直線的。 2.長度的。 3.【數學】 ...
- Abstract : a bandgap voltage reference is presented with a piecewise - linear compensating circuit in order to reduce the temperature coefficient . the basic principle is to divide the whole operating temperature range into some sub - ranges . at different temperature sub - ranges the bandgap reference can be compensated by different linear functions . since the temperature sub - range is much narrower than the whole range , the compensation error can be reduced significantly . theoretically , the precision can be improved unlimitedly if the sub - ranges are narrow enough . in the given example , with only three temperature sub - ranges , the temperature coefficient of a conventional bandgap reference drops from 1 . 5 10 - 5 / to 2 10 - 6 / over the - 40 to 120 temperature range
文摘:提出了一種采用分段線性補償的方法來實現高精度帶隙基準,其基本原理是將整個溫度區間分為若干個子區間,在不同子區間上采用不同線性補償函數達到最佳補償.由于溫度區間縮小,補償誤差也隨之減小,從而在整個工作溫度間上的補償誤差也縮小.理論上,只要溫度子區間取得足夠小,就可以達到任意精度.示例中將- 40 120的溫度區間僅分為三個子區間,平均溫度系數就從1 . 5 10 - 5 /減小到2 10 - 6 / - An off - line algorithm of constrained model predictive control based on piecewise - linear feedback control law is presented to solve its potentially high on - line computational demand . the piecewise - linear feedback control law is off - line computed by lmi optimization problems and the on - line control computation reduces to the simple evaluation of the defined piecewise linear function , which makes the online computational efficiency significantly improved . 4
針對預測控制滾動優化命題的在線計算任務大,作者提出了一種基于分段反饋的離線預測控制算法,通過離線求解線性矩陣不等式優化命題構造分段反饋控制律,在線運行時只需實施滿足條件的反饋控制律,極大地提高了控制器在線計算效率。 - Based on the theory of piecewise - linear , the paper carries through the research of model self - adaptive control to electric arc - furnace electrode regulator system ( eafers ) , and the digital self - adaptive control law of reference model is deduced . then , we designed the software simulation system of eafers according to the law , though which we studied the character of eafers . finally , a set of physical model of eafers , which is realized by hardware circuit , is designed according to the former research
本文首先應用分段線性化理論,對電弧爐電極調節系統的模型參考自適應控制算法進行了研究,推導出全數字化的模型參考自適應律;然后根據推導出的自適應律成功的設計出了的軟件仿真系統,用軟件對電弧爐電極控制進行了仿真研究;最后利用電子電路構造出一套完整的電爐煉鋼電極控制硬件仿真系統,對電爐電極調節進行了實驗室電路仿真研究。 - A stabilizing receding horizon control algorithm based on piecewise - linear terminal weighting matrix is proposed for discrete linear systems with constraint . the piecewise - linear terminal weighting matrix is off - line computed by lmi optimization problems and the on - line computation reduces to the simple switch of the piecewise - linear terminal weighting matrix . the main advantage of this approach is that a trade - off between feasibility and optimality is obtained