plan of attack中文

發音:   用"plan of attack"造句
  • plan:    n. 1.計劃,設計,方案,規劃;方法;進程表;時間表。 ...
  • attack:    vt. 1.攻擊 (opp. defend)。 2.非難 ...
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更多例句:  下一頁
  1. The general worked out a new plan of attack .
  2. Now a plan of attack is needed .
  3. The general followed out his plan of attack in spite of the opposition from his staff .
  4. Taft, aldrich and cannon conferred in march 1910 and formulated a plan of attack .
  5. The commander chalked out his plan of attack


  1. ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation; "his approach to every problem is to draw up a list of pros and cons"; "an attack on inflation"; "his plan of attack was misguided"
    同義詞:approach, attack


    Plan of Attack is a 2004 book by the well known US author and investigative reporter Bob Woodward. It was promoted as "a behind-the-scenes account of how and why President [George W.


        plan:    n. 1.計劃,設計,方案,規劃;方法;進程表;時間表。 ...
        attack:    vt. 1.攻擊 (opp. defend)。 2.非難 ...
        attack plan:    滅火作戰計劃
        attack plan worksheet:    作戰計劃工作表
        night attack plan:    夜間進攻計劃
        attack:    vt. 1.攻擊 (opp. defend)。 2.非難,抨擊。 3.著手,動手,投入。 4.(疾病)侵襲。 5.【化學】腐蝕。 短語和例子 We will not attack unless we are attacked; if we are attacked, we will certainly counter- attack。 人不犯我,我不犯人;人若犯我,我必犯人。 attack a task 動手工作。 attack a problem 著手解決問題。 Strong acids attack metals. 強酸對金屬有腐蝕作用。 be attacked with (a disease) 害(病)。 n. 1.攻擊 (opp. defense), 襲擊。 2.抨擊。 3.【航空】迎角,沖角,攻角。 4.著手,動手。 5.發作,發病。 6.(表演或競賽中的)主動。 短語和例子 A- is the best defense. 進攻是最好的防御。 an attack formation 攻擊隊形。 have an attack of 為…所侵襲;害,患(病)。 make an attack on 攻擊。 n. -er 攻擊者。
        of attack:    實效攻角
        s attack:    來控制
        plan:    n. 1.計劃,設計,方案,規劃;方法;進程表;時間表。 2.圖,圖面;平面圖,設計圖;示意圖;圖表;(街市)地圖。 3.雛形,草案;輪廓,梗概。 短語和例子 a plan of attack [compaign, operations] 進攻[作戰]計劃。 I have a plan for overcoming our difficulties. 我有克服這些困難的方法。 The better plan is to peel them after boiling. 煮后剝皮較好。 a floor plan 平面圖。 a raised plan 投影圖,正面圖。 a working plan 工作圖。 a perspective plan 透視圖。 according to plan 按照計劃。 form [lay] a plan 擬計劃。 in plan 作為平面圖。 give plan to 使…發揮。 vt.,vi. 1.計劃,設計。 2.制(圖),繪(設計圖)。 3.〔美國〕打算 (to)。 短語和例子 planned economy 計劃經濟。plan on 〔口語〕打算,想要(plan on going to London 打算去倫敦)。 plan out 想出,計劃出。
        plan for:    為...作計劃, 打算
        plan on:    打算
        plan to:    計劃做
        plan-:    comb.f. 〔用于元[母]音前〕=plano-.
        the plan:    計劃
        to plan on:    對...作預算
        attack over attack:    解除戰斗警報
        backhand attack and counter attack:    反手對攻
        converging attack; pincer attack:    夾擊
        finishing attack is a secret attack:    最后的攻擊是要奧義
        finishing attack is a super attack:    最后的攻擊要是小絕(只使用一小條能源的那招)
        visible attack; visual attack:    目視攻擊
        floor plan framing plan:    樓板結構平面圖
        mandatory plan; administered plan:    指令性計劃
        master plan and detail plan:    主要計劃及細部計劃
        navigational plan; sailing plan:    航行計畫



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