porcine rotavirus中文

發音:   用"porcine rotavirus"造句
  • porcine:    adj. 豬的;像豬的;骯臟的。
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  1. The native jl94 isolate of porcine rotavirus ( rv ) was propagated in mal04 cel1 culture , and harvested after 48 hours
    本實驗在ma104細胞上培養增殖了豬輪狀病毒( rv )地方分離株jl94 ,并提取了病毒的雙股rna 。
  2. Porcine rotavirus ( prv ) belongs to the family reovindae . it is one of the major pathogens that cause life threatening diarrhea in piglets . this kind of diadrrhea was the easiest infected by young animal
    豬輪狀病毒( porcinerotavims , prv )屬弧腸孤病毒科輪狀病毒屬成員,是引起仔豬病毒性腹瀉的主要病原之一。
  3. Porcine rotavirus ( prv ) belongs to the family reoviridae . it is one of the major pathogens of diarrhea in piglets and causes a major health worldwide in graziery . infection of prv is also prevalent in china , in some area the infectious ratio of piglets is 72 %
    豬輪狀病毒( porcinerotavirus , prv )是呼腸孤病毒科輪狀病毒屬的成員,是引起仔豬病毒性腹瀉的主要病原之一,給世界各地的畜牧業造成嚴重的經濟損失。



  1. porcine pituitary extract中文
  2. porcine poliomyelitis virus中文
  3. porcine proliferative enteropathy中文
  4. porcine proliferative enteropathy ppe中文
  5. porcine rectal stricture中文
  6. porcine rotavirus vaccine中文
  7. porcine scf中文
  8. porcine skin graft中文
  9. porcine spongiform encephalopathy pse中文
  10. porcine ss中文


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