quality read中文

發音:   用"quality read"造句
  • quality:    n. 1.質,質量;性質,特質;品質,品位。 2.優質, ...
  • read:    n. 里德〔姓氏〕。
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  1. In addition , you may consider the following features based on your own needs . a quality reader would protect both the chip and the card face of your new smart id card from being scratched
  2. Bearing these in mind , this thesis proposes that quality reading coursewares should not only take in consideration of computer and network technologies but should integrate some efl theories , esp . reading theories . in fact , a good reading courseware applicable in a web - based environment should be built on the perfect marriage of network technologies and teaching theories


        quality:    n. 1.質,質量;性質,特質;品質,品位。 2.優質, ...
        read:    n. 里德〔姓氏〕。
        read:    vt. 1.閱讀,朗讀,誦讀;【議會】宣讀(議案);照譜唱[奏] (aloud out off)。 2.辨讀,辨認(暗號等);解答(謎等);(用計算機等)讀出(信息的意義;密碼等);(看臉色等)察覺,了解。 3.顯示〔鐘點,度數等〕。 4.能讀,看得懂(拉丁語等);閱悉,讀知(某事)。 5.讀給人聽;讀著使…。 6.把(一段文字)解釋為;把(文獻中某一字句)讀作,寫作,印作。 7.〔主為牛津大學學生語〕學,研究 (up)。 短語和例子 R- me (off) the list. 請把名單給我念一遍。 read a bill for the first time 一讀議案。 For “paper” read “proper.” paper 應(讀)作 proper. read a book for sb. 為某人代讀一本書。 read the child to sleep 讀書引孩子睡覺。 read his silence as consent 把他的沉默認為是同意。 read a dream 解釋一個夢。 read men's hearts 了解[考察]人們的心理。 read off 讀(出);數。 read one's shirt 〔美俚〕找襯衫縫中的虱子。 read oneself hoarse 讀啞嗓子。 read oneself in 當眾朗讀誓約等后而就任。 read out 大聲讀;【自動化】讀出〔指把計算機存儲器中的資料取出等〕。 read out of a book=read from a book. read sb. a lesson [lecture] 訓斥某人。 read sb.'s face 觀察某人的臉色(而猜測他的內心)。 read sb.'s hand 看某人手相。 read sth. else into sth.= read into sth. sth. else 用別種觀點[說法]解釋某種觀點[說法];把某種觀點理解為別種觀點〔多指曲解〕 ( You are reading more than was intended into what he said. 你歪曲了他講話的真實意圖)。 read the future 預言未來。 read the Scriptures to sb. 〔美俚〕對某人下命令;斷言;發誓;責斥,命令。 read the signs of the times 觀察時勢。 read to 讀書給…聽 ( Children like to be read to. 小孩子喜歡人讀書給他們聽)。 read up 專攻(某科目);重行讀一科目。 read up on some subject 系統地研究某一科目。 vi. 1.閱讀,讀書;學習,勤學,用功;朗讀,誦讀,宜讀;講讀。 2.可讀,值得讀;使(讀者或聽者)感動。 3.(某一文句)具有某種意義,可作某種解釋。 4.(某一文句)具有某種形式,由某些詞組成。 短語和例子 The thermometer reads 90°. 寒暑表的示度是90度。 read law 研究法律。 The ticket reads to Beijing via Shanghai. 車票上寫明經北京到上海。 The play reads better than it acts. 這出戲閱讀比上演有趣。 He who runs may read. 跑著的人都能辨讀;簡明易懂。 be read out of 被宣告開除。 read about=read of. read back 【軍事】重復,復述。 read between the lines 體會出字里行間之意;看出言外之意。 read for degree [honours] 為得學位[成為優等生]而用功。 read from a book 選書中一段朗讀。 read in a book 讀一本書讀得入迷。 read like 可讀作…,讀了可認為…,可解釋作。 read of 讀知,閱悉(某事)。 read through (從頭到尾)讀完。 read to oneself 默讀。 read with sb. 有老師陪著溫習功課;(做家庭教師)陪某人讀書。 n. 讀書;(一次的)讀書時間。 have a good [quiet, long, short] read 舒暢地[安靜地,長時間,短時間]讀書。 take a quick [short] read at a book 匆匆忙忙讀一本書,讀一會兒書。 adj. 1.被朗讀的。 2.讀知的。 3.博識的;博覽的;造詣深的。 短語和例子 a well-read man 博學者。 (deeply, well) read in 精通(某一學科)。 little [slightly] read in 略通。 n. 里德〔姓氏〕。
        read as:    把...錯誤地當作; 改為
        read for:    攻讀
        read in:    n. 1.【自動化】寫入。 2.宣讀活動〔如議員在國會宣讀某種文件以表示反對某議案等〕。
        read it:    讀出來吧
        read of:    讀到,閱悉; 讀知, 閱悉
        read on:    只讀
        read-in:    記錄,寫入; 宣讀活動
        in the quality of:    以...的身分, 以...的資格
        of quality:    品質的
        quality:    n. 1.質,質量;性質,特質;品質,品位。 2.優質,美質,優點。 3.才能,能力,技能,素養。 4.品種。 5.身份,地位;〔古、俚〕高位,名門;〔the quality〕〔古語〕身分高貴的人們 (opp. the common people)。 6.【物理學】音值,音色;(色澤的)鮮明(性)。 7.【邏輯學】(命題的肯定或否定)性質。 短語和例子 the quality of inspiring confidence 受人信任的品質。 This is the best quality of cigars. 這是最好的雪茄。 give a taste of one's quality 顯本領。 have many good qualities 有許多長處。 have quality 優秀。 of good [poor] quality 優質[劣質]的。 adj. 1.優質的,高級的。 2.上流社會的。
        cross-talk read to read:    讀讀串擾
        read-to-read crosstalk:    讀間串擾
        a good read:    讀一本好書
        angleof read:    指向角
        backward read:    倒讀; 反向讀; 反向閱讀
        bandwidth read:    讀出頻寬
        beam read:    聲束擴散
        bed read:    床罩
        bidirectional read:    雙向讀出
        big read:    大閱讀
        brow read:    黑面包
        burst read:    資料組讀出


  1. quality ranges中文
  2. quality rate中文
  3. quality rating中文
  4. quality ratio中文
  5. quality raw materials中文
  6. quality record中文
  7. quality records中文
  8. quality reduction中文
  9. quality related activities中文
  10. quality related cost中文


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