- Mack : you should be taking a dirt nap after that ragdoll today
馬克:今天真是折磨人的一天,你應該小睡一下。 - Rigid body physics system supporting player interaction with physical game object , ragdoll character animation , complex vehicles , and dismemberable objects
剛性物體碰撞系統可以讓操作的玩家充分利用游戲里的物體碰撞,角色動畫碰撞,復雜真實的交通工具和物體爆炸進行娛樂。 - You are a ragdoll ! you are known for your laid back attitude . you are the ultimate in low - maintenance . you ' d rather hang out around the house all day than seek adventure
你是一只貴婦貓!你最出名的是你逍遙自在的生活態度。你決不能忍受過低的生活標準。你寧可整日在屋子四周閑逛也不愿尋找冒險的機會。 - He uses it to swipe across the ground with titanic power , while his boulder - like fists hammer and jab at the prince and his massive ungainly paws grab and toss our hero around like a lifeless ragdoll
The Ragdoll is a cat breed with blue eyes and a distinct colorpoint coat. It is a large and muscular semi-longhair cat with a soft and silky coat.