- In the end , scientific management theory not only lends rationale to the management system , but challenges the system with different difficulties . in the fourth section , in light of the theory of organization structure and organization culture , the dissertation first analyzes that the management system is shaped by school organization structure from two aspects : the labor division and sectionalization of school organization as well as the division of power in school organization . on one hand , although the school system based upon the discipline division is effective and clear in responsibility sharing , it cannot adapt itself to the demand of curriculum integration and overall development of learners
第四部分借鑒組織結構和組織文化的一般理論,首先從學校組織的勞動分工及部門化、學校組織的權責分配兩方面分析了學校組織結構對學校課程管理的影響,認為學校以學科劃分為基礎的勞動分工雖然具有提高效率和明確責任的意義,但不能適應學校課程綜合化和學生全面發展的要求;集權傾向的學校權責分配雖然有利于統一領導和協調,但妨礙了教師參與學校課程管理和發展的積極性和創造性的發揮。 - ( 1 ) the dissertation theoretically analyses software direct compensating motor speed loss of open loop pump - control - motor speed governing system with inverter . the motor speed loss formula and compensating coefficient formula are given , and this provides the theoretic foundation for using software direct compensating method . the dissertation puts forward the control scheme of software direct compensating motor speed loss of open loop pump - control - motor speed governing system with inverter , and the method of " load sectionalization linear compensation "
具體來說,本文的主要貢獻包括如下幾個部分: ( 1 )對軟件直接補償開環變頻泵控馬達調速系統的馬達轉速降落進行了理論分析,給出了馬達轉速降落公式和補償系數公式,為軟件直接補償開環變頻泵控馬達調速系統的馬達轉速降落提供了理論依據;提出了變頻泵控馬達調速系統的負載補償控制方法和“負載分段線性補償”方法,由此提高了調速系統的速度剛性和調速精度。
名詞- the act of dividing or partitioning; separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart
同義詞:division, partition, partitioning, segmentation, sectionalisation