set about中文

發音:   用"set about"造句
  • set:    vt. (set; setting) 1.放;擱;貼;靠 ...
  • about:    adv. 1.大約,差不多;前后,左右。 About a ...
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更多例句:  下一頁
  1. He set about the intruders with a stick .
  2. You're not setting about your work in the right way .
  3. He set about writing his resignation .
  4. He set about the task with becoming precautions .
  5. I must set about my packing .


  1. take the first step or steps in carrying out an action; "We began working at dawn"; "Who will start?"; "Get working as soon as the sun rises!"; "The first tourists began to arrive in Cambodia"; "He began early in the day"; "Let''s get down to work now"
    同義詞:get down, begin, get, start out, start, set out, commence
  2. enter upon an activity or enterprise
    同義詞:undertake, attempt
  3. begin to deal with; "approach a task"; "go about a difficult problem"; "approach a new project"
    同義詞:go about, approach


        set:    vt. (set; setting) 1.放;擱;貼;靠 ...
        about:    adv. 1.大約,差不多;前后,左右。 About a ...
        to set about:    著手,開始
        set about doing:    倒裝簡述
        set about doing sth:    著手做某事; 著手做某事
        set about making tea:    張羅沏茶
        set about stamp collecting:    開始收集郵票
        set about sth:    著手做某事; 著手做某事
        the troops are about to set out:    部隊就要出發了
        undertake = set about = attempt:    著手做…
        stop monkeying about with the tv set:    不要瞎弄電視機
        he knows a lot about tv set:    他對電視機很在行
        i must set about my packing:    我必須開始收拾行裝
        about:    adv. 1.大約,差不多;前后,左右。 About a mile 大約一英里。 That's about right. 大致不差。 That's about (the size of) it. 就是那么一回事;大概如此。 It is about finished 差不多要完成[終結]。 2.周圍,四面;到處。 Look about 四顧。 3.活動;盛行,到處散布,傳布。 The news is going about. 消息正在傳開。 4.繞著,圍著,倒轉,掉轉。 Round about 掉轉,回頭,倒過來。 Face about (使)轉過來。 Put the ship about 把船倒過頭來。 The wrong way about 相反,倒轉過來。 5.附近;〔古語〕周圍。 Is the manager about 經理在嗎? There is no one about. 附近無人。 A mile about 周圍一英里。 6.〔接帶 to 的不定式〕將要。 1.在…周圍。 About the neck 繞著脖子,圍在頸上。 2.在…附近,在…身邊,手頭。 Somewhere about here 在此地附近。 I have no money about me. 我身邊無錢。 3.前后,左右;大概。 About noon 正午前后。 4.對于,關于。 Talk about sb. 談論某人。 He is most particular about being conscientious. 他最講究認真。 5.從事于。 短語和例子 What are you about 你在干什么? adj.〔用作表語〕傳播,流行。 Rumour is about. 謠言紛紛。 About and about 〔美俚〕差不多,大致相同。 (Right) about face 〔美國〕向后轉! About turn 〔英國〕向后轉。 Be about 1. 起來;活動;動手,做事 (Butterflies are about early this year. 今年蝴蝶活動得早。 He is not yet (up and) about . 他還沒有起來,還未動手。 Mind what you are about! 當心!注意!)2.散布,傳播,流行。Be about to 準備,將要,正打算 (He is about to speak. 他正打算說話)。 Go about 1. 正要,將要。 2. 使(船)掉頭。 Go a long way about 繞很多路。 Much about 幾乎。 Out and about 從事日常工作,(病后等)起來做事。 Set about 動手,著手。 Take turns about 輪流。 Turn and turn about 交互。
        about of:    即將;打算; 專心于…
        about to:    正要 , 正準備
        as to =about:    關于
        be about:    從事于; 大約
        be about to:    表最近的將來; 不能與; 剛要,即將; 后面不接時間狀語; 即將做; 即將,馬上就; 即將(到最近的將來); 即將開始; 就要做; 用在過去式時; 正準備做,將做; 注意下列句式的翻譯; 準備,將要,正打算
        be about to be:    即將,將要
        is about:    是指的什么
        not about to:    不打算做; 不準備讓某事發生; 不準備做某事; 不準備做什么
        of about:    連用抱怨
        on or about:    約于……
        to be about:    在外面走動


        set aboutとは意味:~に取り掛かる、~を企てる We set about the work that our former boss did not do. 私たちは、前の上司がやり殘した仕事に取り掛かった。
        set about meaning: Verb: set about    set u'bawt Begin to deal with - go about , approach   Enter upon an activity or enterprise - undertake , attempt   Take the first step or steps in c...
        set about en francais:commencer, examiner, prendre soin; attaquer
        set about artinya:memulai
        set about 뜻:퍼뜨리다
        set about перевод:1) распространять Ex: to set about gossip (scandal) распространять сплетни Ex: to set a rumour about пустить слух 2) нападать Ex: a gang of boys set about supporters of the other team кучка ребят ...


  1. set a wall中文
  2. set a watch中文
  3. set a world record中文
  4. set a young中文
  5. set ablaze中文
  6. set about doing中文
  7. set about doing sth中文
  8. set about making tea中文
  9. set about stamp collecting中文
  10. set about sth中文


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