
[ sʌm, səm, sm ] 發音:   用"some"造句
〔和表示否定、疑問的 any 對應的肯定詞〕
1.(a) 〔用于單數普通名詞前〕(有)一個(人、物、時間)。 He went to some place in Africa. 他到非洲一個地方去了。 S- fool or other has broken it. 是一個蠢家伙把它弄壞了。 We must find some way out of it. 得想一個方法逃脫才行。 ★ some 是指完全不知道的事物而言, a certain 則是在知道而故+更多解釋...
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  1. Some of the days i will clean the house for him .
  2. I must keep to myself, at least for some time .
  3. Open the window and let in some fresh air .
  4. The change of scene will do her some good .
  5. The girl looked at it with some disdain .


  1. quantifier; used with either mass nouns or plural count nouns to indicate an unspecified number or quantity; "have some milk"; "some roses were still blooming"; "having some friends over"; "some apples"; "some paper"
  1. (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct; "lasted approximately an hour"; "in just about a minute"; "he''s about 30 years old"; "I''ve had about all I can stand"; "we meet about once a month"; "some forty people came"; "weighs around a hundred pounds"; "roughly $3,000"; "holds 3 gallons, more or less"; "20 or so people were at the party"
    同義詞:approximately, about, close to, just about, roughly, more or less, around, or so, approximately, about, close to, just about, roughly, more or less, around, or so
  2. (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct; "lasted approximately an hour"; "in just about a minute"; "he''s about 30 years old"; "I''ve had about all I can stand"; "we meet about once a month"; "some forty people came"; "weighs around a hundred pounds"; "roughly $3,000"; "holds 3 gallons, more or less"; "20 or so people were at the party"
    同義詞:approximately, about, close to, just about, roughly, more or less, around, or so, approximately, about, close to, just about, roughly, more or less, around, or so
  1. relatively many but unspecified in number; "they were here for some weeks"; "we did not meet again for some years"
  2. relatively much but unspecified in amount or extent; "we talked for some time"; "he was still some distance away"
  3. remarkable; "that was some party"; "she is some skier"



        someとは意味:some 何分の なにぶんの 若干 じゃっかん 幾らかの いくらかの 幾 いく 一部 いちぶ 約 やく 幾らか いくらか 何等か なんらか 多少 たしょう
        some meaning: Adjective: some    sum or súm Quantifier; used with either mass nouns or plural count nouns to indicate an unspecified number or quantity "have some milk"; "some rose...
        some en francaisadj. certain, quelque; un peu; déterminé; combien, quelques; à peu près; sérieux adv. environ, quelque; dans une certaine mesure ...
        some artinya:beberapa
        some 뜻:adjective, 어느, 어떤, 얼마간의, 누군가의, 대략, 상당한, 대단한, in ~ way (or other) 이럭저럭 해서, ~ day 언젠가, 머지않아, ~ one 어떤 사람, 누군가, 어느 것인가, 어느 것인가하나(의), 누구인가 한 사람(의), ~ time 잠시


  1. somchit中文
  2. somcuta mare中文
  3. somda中文
  4. somdath中文
  5. somdetphra中文
  6. some advice中文
  7. some advice about中文
  8. some advice on sth中文
  9. some amuse themselves in folly中文
  10. some ancient towns have walls round them中文


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