speech disorder中文

發音:   用"speech disorder"造句
  • speech:    n. 1.言語;說話;談話;說話能力(或方式)。 2.民 ...
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  1. " is her speech disorder permanent ?
    “他是患了永久性的口吃嗎? ”
  2. Study on cleft palate and lip post - operation of functional speech disorders ' s classification and treatment
  3. Vocal characteristics of speech disorder and efficacy of speech therapy in postoperative patients with cleft palate


  1. a disorder of oral speech
    同義詞:speech defect, defect of speech


        speech:    n. 1.言語;說話;談話;說話能力(或方式)。 2.民 ...
        disorder:    n. 1.無秩序,混亂,雜亂;不合手續。 2.騷亂,紛擾 ...
        articulatory speech disorder:    發音性言語障礙
        communication disorder of speech:    言語會話紊亂
        developmental speech disorder:    發育性說話障礙
        developmental speech disorder syndrome:    發育性言語障礙綜合征
        functional articulatory speech disorder:    功能性構語性言語障礙
        motor speech disorder:    運動性言語障礙
        secondary speech disorder:    繼發性言語障礙
        specific speech articulation disorder:    特定的言語構音障礙; 特定言語構音障礙
        speech and language disorder,sld:    語言障礙
        speech communication disorder:    言語對話障礙
        speech cortex disorder:    言語皮質障礙
        no speech:    無言
        speech:    n. 1.言語;說話;談話;說話能力(或方式)。 2.民族語言,方言,專門語言;〔罕用語〕流言。 3.演說,演講;發言。 4.【語言學】詞(類);引語;用語。 5.(樂器的)音,音色。 短語和例子 Everybody has the right to give speech to his feelings. 人人有說出他的感情的權力。 Speech is silver, silence is gold. 〔諺語〕暢言是銀,沉默是金。 a man of rapid [slow] speech 口齒流利[遲鈍]的人。 an opening [a closing] speech 開幕[閉幕]辭。 parts of speech 【語法】詞類。 a speech community 使用某種特有語言(或方言)的集團。 freedom of speech 言論自由。 deliver [make] a speech 演說。 find one's speech 能說話;說得出話。 give speech to 說出。 have speech of (a person) 和…談話。 lose [recover] one's speech 喪失[恢復]說話能力。
        speech and:    口業
        such a speech:    此種冗長的演說
        the speech:    演講96
        disorder:    n. 1.無秩序,混亂,雜亂;不合手續。 2.騷亂,紛擾。 3.小病,(身心機能的)失調。 4.【化學】無序。 短語和例子 a disorder in legal proceedings 法律訴訟的不合手續。 the disorders in universities 大學里的騷亂。 a mild stomach disorder 輕微的胃病。 in disorder 混亂,紊亂 (papers in disorder 胡亂堆放著的文件。 long hair in disorder 亂蓬蓬的長發)。 fall into disorder 陷入混亂。 throw into disorder 使混亂,把…卷入動亂。 vt. 1.擾亂,使混亂。 2.使(身心等)失調,使(神經等)錯亂。 adj. -ed 1. (秩序等)混亂的。 2. (身心)失調的,有病的。 a disordered stomach [liver] 胃[肝]病。
        in disorder:    慌亂地,狼狽不堪
        speech-to-speech conversion:    語言對語言的轉換
        the direct speech and indirect speech:    直接用語和間接用語
        to make a speech, to deliver a speech:    做報告
        a campaign speech:    學生會主席的演講稿
        a clever speech:    機敏的談話



  1. speech discrimination loss中文
  2. speech discrimination score中文
  3. speech discrimination test中文
  4. speech discrimination tests中文
  5. speech discrimination threshold中文
  6. speech disorders中文
  7. speech distortion中文
  8. speech disturbance中文
  9. speech education中文
  10. speech encoding中文


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